Fuckin 98 here today (as well as the past few days) and gonna be like this for awhile. I normally take what 'summer gives', but it's still fucking June....way too early. I know, I know, I'm gonna hear from y'all in the South but WTF?? The temp is part of where you live....and its not supposed to be this hot here until mid-July.
Fuckin AC's were both running non-stop...until one them quit this afternoon....the big, main one. Trying to get an AC company here in this weather is next to fucking impossible...unless we have 3 days to wait. Current temp is now 87 fuckin degrees in here.
Fuckin Street Dept.............I come home from work yesterday and see that the Street Dept. had been doing work on my street......filling the joints between the concrete with asphalt. Ok, no problem with that. My problem is that they spilled (dripped, splattered, etc) more than they filled, all over the whole fuckin street. There are literally pools of this shit every 8-10 feet, in all fucking directions. Why can't they have the fuckin people who know how to do this properly do it...instead of these ass-clowns who don't give a fuck? This kinda crap really pisses me off because of the ensuing mess it causes. So, being the 'concerned citizen' I am, I called them this morning. Here's how it went:
Me: Whom do I speak to regarding street repair?
Government Lackey: You need sumthin fixed or have a complaint?
Me: A complaint
GL: Hold on...those lines are busy..wanna hold?
Me: (No fuckin doubt) Yes, I do.
Maybe 10 minutes goes by and its then answered by someone that could not have sounded more bored.
GL#2: StreetdeptcomplaintofficehowcanIhepyou?
I tell her what the problem is and thats where I lost her.
GL#2: So..you're complaining that we did the work?
Me: No...I'm complaining because it looks like it was done by a bunch of 4 year-olds.
GL#2: But...the work was done...right?
Me: Yes...but it looks like hell and there is puddles of asphalt in areas they weren't work working on....its slopped all over.
GL#2: Sir.....we did the work and while it may not live up to your standards, the job is finished.
Me: Look, all I'm sayin is that if they would taken a little more care they could have done this job so it looked alittle less like it was done by a bunch of semi-trained chimps.
GL#2: Sir....I don't see how this has any adverse effect on you or the other residents.
Me: I'm sure you don't 'see' but I'll try to explain this. What happens when you drive through a big puddle of tacky asphalt thats located right in front of your concrete driveway?
GL#2: Sir, I would suggest not driving through it then...you should try to avoid those areas.
Me: (Trying extremely hard to keep from telling to her go fuck herself) Hmm....I guess that would be a solution..IF IT WAS HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO AVOID BUT SINCE THE MORONS DECIDED TO SPILL ASPHALT EVERYWHERE YOU CAN'T HELP BUT DRIVE THROUGH IT!
GL#2: Sir, that happens whenever asphalt is used. There is nothing we can do to prevent that.
Me: Okay (getting real fucking exasperated)...so, do I call you back to schedule someone to come out and clean all that crap off of my driveway and my garage floor? What I'm saying is that I am holding your department responsible for my property being damaged due to the negligence of your employees and that I am going to make it 'official' by putting everything in writing and stating that I spoke to you and that you basically said 'too bad...my problem'.
GL#2: Uh......would you like to speak to my supervisor?
Me: Nope....you've told me everything I needed to know and I think I have properly recorded it all down. Can I read it back to you to make sure that I am 100% correct?
GL#2: Uh...okay....what I can do is contact the Street Supervisor and have him go by and look at it. I do know that if they find the job is 'sub-par' they can remedy the problem as well as clean up the 'subject area'.
Me: Thats all I wanted in the 1st place. Here's my cell number, have him call me when he knows he's going to come out and I'll meet him.
Now, may I ask..What The Fuck???? Why not just come out and say this to begin with instead of all this 'hard to get along with' bullshit? This fuckin phone call coulda been over in 5 fucking minutes.
Fuck....didn't she know I was hot................and crabby????? Well...I bet she knows now.
You do sound CRABBY,er, & HOT!! ;) Yeah, you know what us TX folks are gonna say huh? Yesterday was 99 today - maybe 98 (real cool front!)...sick of it!! Hope they can come out & fix your street - if you can't do it right, then don't EFEN do it!!
I've had more than a few "frustrating" phone calls in the last few days. It's enough to drive a person nutz!
TGG: Hehe...I KNEW what I would hear from y'all in Texas ;)
ETW:It does drive me nuts.....the stupidity is beyond my comprehension.
J-Fab: AC now working (one of my service guys worked on it last evening). You can now 'hang meat' in here :)
Am I the only one that finds it weird that the city has to have a DEPARTMENT for people to complain about the shitty work they do?
Our tax dollars at work.
I was just bitching on FB about the early arrival of the ass crack sweltering heat. Not cool.
As always, get 'em, Efen!
Christine: I thank they just gave up trying to call it sumthin else...in reality, their main number should be listed as 'Complaint Dept' cuz I know I've never called about anything good.
Nonya: Yeah....and its still early too...wait another month ;)
great blog, interesting and not (no way) boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes Efen - It's just more fun to fuck with people. You said yourself she sounded bored when she answered the phone !
Kitch: I have no freakin idea how they KEEP their jobs much less get them. Hehe...your LANGUAGE...lovin it ;)
John Gray: Thanks for dropping by and glad you enjoyed it...BUT...did you read my prior post? Hmm...guess not or you wouldn't have used 'interesting and not boring' ;)
The Girl: (wondering where the fuck you went ;) I agree...but I was hot and crabby at the time ;)
Vinomom: I totally agree...there's ALWAYS dumbfucks that will screw with what you're trying to accomplish!
Awww, I love it when you wonder where the fuck I went.
Efen: Get the fuck over it, man. Have you ever laid asphalt? Have you ever driven the big rig that "arms" the substance? If not, then fuck off. It is not the easiest thing in the world to keep the spillage contained.
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