Monday, September 15, 2008

Ike and Other Things....

I'm not gonna make too big a fuckin deal about the remnants of Ike that passed through Sunday because based on what I've seen outta Galveston and Houston, it would take bigger balls than I have to do any 'major' complainin but I do have some 'minor' bitchin;
  • Yesterday morning, 5.5" of rain in 6 fuckin hours. If you aren't sure what that means, well, its a lot of fuckin rain in a very short period of time.

  • 60 MPH wind gusts. Ok, I realize its not like the Gulf of Texas incurred but fuck, we're 1000 fuckin miles from there

  • Friends with up to 8" of water in their basements. This was mainly due to storm sewers and storm drains backed up not because of any actual flooding of streams, creeks, etc. Tho, there was plenty of that.

  • Another big fuckin limb down but from a different tree and its so fuckin muddy I can't even attempt to get that fuckin thing cut up.

  • Rain poured into a fuckin 'mole hole' that's in the back of my yard....then proceeded to wash a fuckin trench out of the whole length of the mole run, about 20 feet long. I can only hope the little mfer drowned.....slowly.

Went to 'SV' to watch the Rams game yesterday (geez...they blow more than a hurricane). Uh, I have Season Tickets (a huge fuckin mistake on my part) but I had no desire to see them get their collective asses kicked in person. Basically, it was damage control because if I would have used the tickets instead of lettin them sit in my desk, it woulda easily cost me another $200 . Guess I coulda begged someone to take 'em.

It was mainly me and the Village Idiots there. Just when you think people just can't possibly get any more fuckin stupid, they surprise you. Example: Watchin the local news 'Special Report' about the weather and the guy sittin down the bar says " Is this the same hurricane they got in Texas...I didn't know we got hurricanes?". WTF??? No, ya see right smack dab in the middle of the fuckin US we're constantly hit with hurricanes that develop over the Mississippi River....motherfuck!

Genius #2 (from Chicago): This is the guy who doesn't call me by my name, only my 1st initial. " get rain?" AARRRRGGHHH......Who didn't get fuckin rain??? So I say, "Nope...not a single fuckin drop.....amazing".

Genius #3 (from New York and leaves no doubt about it): as he's listening in "REALLY.....that is unbelievable! You should call the Channel 5 (local station) and tell them. They'd probably come out an interview, thats unreal".

Let me make one thing absolfuckinlutely crystal fuckin clear....These guy ARE NOT my normal runnin buddies....just morons who come to the bar and for some unknown fuckin reason, they think I'm their buddy.

Girl workin the bar has to walk away as she listens to these 2 idiots because she doesn't want to laugh in their faces....and she won't even look at me cuz she knows then, its all over.

I leave 'SV' after the game and drive to my office to make sure it didn't get washed away. I come out and there's a police car pulled right up behind my truck. He's standing there on his radio and motions for me to 'stay where I am'.............WTF is goin on here?

Me: There a problem?

Dickface Cop: I need to see your ID.

Me: For what? Whats the problem?

DFC: Take out your ID, Sir.

Me: I take it out (very begrudgingly)...and walk it over to him.

DFC: This your vehicle?

Me: Yes

DFC: Thats not how the plates come back as (as he's reading my license)

Me: Its a company vehicle, we have our own leasing company we run it through. Besides that, just what is the problem.

DFC: Can you open your vehicle?

Me: (Now, just tell me what the fuck is going on) No. I won't. If you want it open, tell me what's going on...........or get a warrant.

DFC: (Now he's pissed) I can wait here all day.

Me: I'll just go back in my building, to my office. I'll be watching football. Knock on the door if you want anything.

I have fuckin had it with this jackoff, so I take back my license and head towards the door.

DFC: Sir....since the storm knocked out power to some of the industrial park, we're just making sure there aren't any burglaries going on because some security systems may be down.

Me: Thats all you had to say. I'll open my truck and you can check it.'s my business card that shows I own this place.

DFC: That won't be necessary. Have a good day.

That was it, he got in his car and drove off. FUCK......I coulda looted the fuckin business next door and gotten clean away with it. Another missed opportunity.


Evil Twin's Wife said...

After all that, he didn't even look in your truck? I can't stand things that are arbitrary.

Elle said...

Damn, Efen. Mouthin' off to cops and everything.

You're so street!

J Fab said...

I've always wanted to use that whole..."or get a warrant" line... you lucky dog! (Not about all that rain though.) :(

Bucky said...

I'm glad to know that you know your rights as a citizen, and don't have to be run over by "the man."

Great job!

Efen said...

ETW: He was just being a dick...maybe 25-26 years old.

Elle: 'Mouthin off' would have included the word 'fuck' in several variations ;) Hehe @ 'street'. Yeah...I have 'cred'

J-Fab & Bucky: Watchin all those 'Law & Order' re-runs have certainly paid off ;)

Warped Mind of Ron said...

Wow! You didn't get any rain at all over there! That's Crazy man. LOL