Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Life In Hell (aka The License Bureau)

I would rather have salt AND lemon poured into a cut than to have to go that fuckin place.....but thats exactly what I did yesterday afternoon.

Got a new truck for the company (not "new" new....I have a buddy who got me a 'deal' on a used one) Anyway, had to go get plates (or tags if you prefer) and pay the sales tax. The only thing worse than going yesterday woulda been if I had waited til the last day of the month....thats when all those fuckin Einstein's are there, waiting until the last day of the month, then hurrying in to get it done so they don't have to pay a $5.00 penalty for being late if they waited another day.

Fuck that...I've been an 'Einstein' as well but it's worth the extra $5.00 to show up, say, on the 3rd because normally there's hardly a fuckin soul in there. The last day of the can wait 4 hours....which doesn't sit well with me.

I thought yesterday woulda been good too...fuck, it's the 23rd, way too soon for the 'end of the month rush'. Well, so I thought. I mean it wasn't 'wall-to-wall' but more than I expected. On top of it, instead of the usual 6 women who don't do a fuckin thing 'cept make you jump through hoops regarding the 'necessary' paperwork, they were down to three! Fuck me.....only 3 of 'em.

I hear one guy, who is obviously not real fuckin happy, say "Is it even remotely possible that you ladies save your 'private' conversations until you get off work.....or until there isn't 15 people waiting in line?" Uh oh.....a fuckin rookie. While I certainly admired his courage, I just shook my head at his intelligence. Buddy, you had better pray that you have every 'i dotted and t crossed' when you get up there cuz if you don' are royally fucked. After he made his comment, he kinda looked around at the rest of us, ya know, wanting us to give him the 'thumbs up' sign and maybe an 'attaboy' or two. Fuck way in fuckin hell am I gonna get caught by one of those 'License Nazi bitches' giving you my approval, otherwise, I'll be as fucked as you...and I have a ton of paperwork with me. So, I sorta just stared at the floor.....pretending I didn't know he was looking at me. Yeah....when it comes to standing in lines for a very lengthy time and being afraid I'll be told to 'Come back when you have all of your correct documents', I admit, I am one big fucking pussy.

About 30 minutes pass when they call 'Mr. IshouldaKeptMyMouthShut'' up. I see the stack of papers he's holding and I know there is no fuckin way he's not going to be told to 'come back when you have all your shit'. He's standing at the counter for maybe 10-15 minutes and I can tell there is a 'problem'. These women can be mean and just plain fucking nasty to deal with.....and thats if you haven't done a thing to piss them off. Piss 'em off and they are unlike any sub-species I have ever seen. Clearly he's fucked and I can tell just by watching his body language, he knows he's fucked too. Another 5 minutes or so goes by then I see his 'nazi' get up and go in the back. Oh Man.....whenever they 'go in the back' you are so screwed! They use this as a 'pretense' to go look something up but fuck, what they do is go back and stand around for awhile, not doin shit, then come out to 'officially' tell you what you already knew...."You're fucked buddy, come back when you can find all that mickey mouse shit I'm making you provide just because you pissed me off.....have a good day" Now, these weren't her words but they may as well have been. He gathered up his shit and slowly walked out, all beaten down and shit, while the onlookers were all thinking the same exact fucking thing..'PLEASE DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN TO ME!"

License Girl: "NEXT".

Me: Uh...yes, thank you and may I say how lovely your hair looks today?" No, I didn't say that but did think about it, however I knew that this girl, maybe 22-24, with her multiple piercings, her Goth-colored hair, lower back 'tramp stamp' and her total black wardrobe, wasn't going to buy it. So instead, I try the 'nice' approach:" are you?...fairly busy in here today"

LG: (with a bored look).....What do you need?

Me: (Geez....what a fuckin personality) I need to get plates and pay the sales tax

LG: Lemme see your papers

Me: Okay, I have everything separated, hopefully I didn't forget anything..haha

LG: (Not even lifting her head)....If you did, we're open tomorrow.

Me: (Sooooooooo fighting back the urge to say 'You're a fuckin gem, ya know that?") Uh...ok

She goes through everything I give her, twice, slowly.

LG: Whats this? (holding up my 'Fleet Insured Vehicle Identification Card')

Me: ( it comes)'s my proof of insurance. We have all of our vehicles under one policy, kind of an Umbrella Policy thing.

LG: You need a specific one per vehicle (giving me that 'Don't you know a fuckin thing look'). Get it and come back.

Me: (knowing full well she's wrong and no way am I going to let this 'techno-punk-rocker' get away with this...and frankly tired of her 'I work for the State so I don't have to be pleasant' attitude) Call your supervisor. I've supplied this for years and have never had a issue with it, plus, I have no intention of 'coming back'.

She just sits there and gives me a look, with those dumb fuckin cow-eyes of hers (If cows wear black eye shadow that is).

Then, she grabs her stamp and starts stamping the papers. Looks at me and tells me what I owe.

I write the check, get my plates, and hurry the fuck outta there.

Sometimes, no matter how big a wuss you are, you just have to 'stand up' ;)


The Girl said...

We have a saying here in Jersey when we have to go to the horrid place "There's Always a Problem at the DMV." Good for you standing up to her !!! Lazy fuck, she just didn't want to do your paperwork. And who the hell, hires people who look like that - The Motor Vehicle Commission of course.

The ad should re:
Clerk for DMV wanted, must have poor attitude, must be unattractive, of low intelligence, and have the ability to ruin another's day with ease. Inquire within.

Efen said...

the girl..Exactly! LOL......perfect :)

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I'm afraid to say this out loud: Our DMV employs pleasant people and they are super efficient. It wasn't always that way, but for at least the last 15 years, it's been good. Still, I'm trained to brace myself when having to deal with them. Luckily, I walk away relieved.

And, you reminded me. I need to take care of the Evil Twin's registration. Thanks!

Elle said...

Yep, I have to agree with ETW. Very rarely do I have a problem when I have to go to the DMV...which I'm sure doesn't have anything at all to do with the fact that both of the "branch" offices are located within shopping centers ;)

*bracing self for barrage of insults via Efen re: titles for "farm use only" vehicles*

Bucky said...

My local branch of the DMV seems to be a bit more "enjoyable"... for lack of a better word.

The fact that I live in an itty bitty town, probably helps out, considering there is rarely a line of more than 4 people in there at any given time.

The Kitchen said...

OMG - I'd rather take a beating than to go the DMV! Last time I went I was told the wait was between 4 to 5 hours!!!!
Gee, can you hardly wait until Health Care is run by the government? It'll be just like the post office and the DMV...
Good work if you can get it!

Efen said...

ETW: Uh oh....hope you didn't jinx it ;)

Elle: Sheesh....would I resort to something that tacky? y'all have an '18 Wheeler Line Only' at your DMV? Hehe..

Bucky: 4 Fuckin people?? Amazing.

Kitch (shorthand ;) See....we actually live in the same place...kind of a parallel universe ;)

Warped Mind of Ron said...

It helps when you go to take offering of cookies and baked goods. Or in your case maybe some black nail polish and mascara would have gotten you in her good graces. Congrats on not having to go back.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, the DMV in Virginia just screwed my brother royally - suspended his license for complete BS. Then he had to get a license from the RMV in Massachusetts, 6 visits and $300 later he is a licensed driver again. Seriously, do they just make up some of this shit to send him home again?

Good for you standing up to them.

J Fab said...

I'd rather jump off a building onto a bicycle with no seat as to go to the WV DMV. Fuck me running.... what a nightmare. The hair on the back of my neck stands up just thinking of going and I have a trailer (not a house) that needs tagged. Pray for me!