I know, I know...."just who the fuck does he think he is.....dropping in, dropping out, dropping in?" I hear y'all and I'm in total agreement. I realize, I ain't 'Elle' (whom evidently, can 'come and go' (hehe) as she pleases ;)
First, I have been lurking....some but admittedly, not a great deal, so I'm sure I'm 'out of the proverbial loop'. If I've missed anything (good or bad) that I should know about, just tell me when you posted and I promise I'll go back and catch up.
I don't really have any excuses but, I have been doing something that I thought I was waaaaay fuckin past and that is
I've had several 'Walk with Jesus' talks to a couple of my employees. I have a 'newer' salesman, been here about a year. Even though he had 'background' in our business, he's pretty much a prima donna little fuck. "His" way is always the better way......and he has totally ignored the last two things I told him to make sure he did on a couple of jobs, jobs which he lost, but of course it wasn't his fault. Now, I may not know everything, but I do know whats involved with selling and what you need to do to make sure that you have an 'edge' over your competitor. It's not easy but but there are steps you have to make sure you do. Taking shortcuts will not fuckin cut it. And he's a 'short-cut' kinda guy.
Anyhow, I call him in my office and basically say "WTF???...maybe 15 fuckin times. You can say just about anything to me (which doesn't mean I'm going to buy it) but fucking NEVER say to me "I don't know". If you don't fucking know why you did something a certain (and fucked up) way, then who the fuck else is going to? I told this guy, whom I'll call 'Skippy', that the next fucking time I tell him to do something and he doesn't...he's fucking fired on the spot. He then proceeds to tell me he thought what he chose to do was better. I proceed to tell him that while he may of thought so, there's one fucking opinion that matters and it ain't his. Oh...and I also told him he had til the end of June. If he hasn't improved there's a gazillion people out there right now looking for jobs. Hey, I don't fire people, they fuckin fire themselves.
Dad Update: Doing well so far. No adverse side-effects and he does seem like he's feeling some better. Still early but thats how it is to-date.
Bathroom Update: Ok, before I said I liked it, which I do but fuck, the mfer ain't done yet. Just odds and end shit that evidently the contractor doesn't feel its worthwhile to get the shit done. Well, he may have felt like that before I called him this morning. I think when I said "You know the balance of the money I owe you...well, I'm instituting a 'late penalty'. Beginning a week from today, for every fucking day its not done, I'm deducting $250". WTF?? This is shit he could knock out in a day or two. Now we're still waiting on the tile company to come back and put 1" tile/pewter square fuckin thingys on the fucking wall around the mirrors, but that ain't his fault. I've got some of their money too. Geez......I would think they know what kind of prick I can be...I mean, they have met me.
Hope all is well with everyone and as soon as I get things settled abit, I'll be back around.
I've missed you. Get rid of the prick salesman, your right there are alot of honesty hard working people out there looking for a job. And be nice to your receptionist !!!!!!
Thank goodness you're back - now stay back on this time!!!
I'm with The Girl - fire that sorry sob saleman and hire someone who's hungry. I'm so sick of entitlements and lazy/stupid people.
So glad to hear your dad is coming along - that's really great news!
I really don't think i could have summed it up any better than The Girl did.
Glad to hear Dad is still tolerating the chemo.
Don't be a stranger! We love ya!
The Girl: Missed you too! Hmmm...'be nice' huh? Well....she'd better improve her act too or she's outta here.
Kitch: I'll try to be more dependable...really :)
I think the 'entitlement' thing has run its couse with me as well.
Thanks, dear :)
Oops..sorry Bitchy, you posted as I was replying....and thank you very much. Glad to hear from you too :)
Glad to see ya back if only for awhile lol
You are right plenty of people eager to work, let him can his ass he is working hard at it already!
Good to hear your Dad is doing well.
hey honey! Skippy needs to skip on out of your place & find himself another J-O-B - I mean, who the EF does he think he is?! Glad to hear about your dad (hugs to him!) & sorry to hear about your bathroom not being done - but, I like your
"deduction" policy :) Glad you're back...come back soon, K ?!
Glad to see you back. LOL... love the late deduction policy. If what the salesman did worked then he just "might" be able to justify the attitude, but since it failed he should Shut the fuck up and do what needs to be done. I'm betting he's gone in 1-2 weeks. Super glad to hear your father is doing well.
Love the keyhole pic at the top.
Glad to hear the update. And don't give that fucker any more chances there are a hundred people out there looking for his job. Coming from a small company, now is the time to tighten up ship, you are doing a smart thing.
Hope to see you around more.
I have ZERO TOLERANCE for dipshit employees. Can them both.
I am so glad that your dad is responding well to his treatment. That makes me smile.
LOVE the bathroom deduction idea! LOVES IT LOVES IT LOVES IT!
And, I love you, too... so stay around!
Ya know dear for someone who doesn't like to fire people you sure talk a big game LMAO ! Ok, fire your receptionist and you can pay me double my current salary and I'll answer your phones and do my nails. Deal?
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