Ok..not as catchy as the Eagles title but it's certainly apropos.
In my prior post I mentioned how crappy a job the Street Dept. did when they filled the joints with asphalt. This was a fact, not merely a figment of my imagination or simply my opinion. I know bullshit work when I see it. Anyhow, I got called out about it by some fuck that I have never had any interaction with prior. It seems his 'point' was that if I had never done this type of work before then I had no right to criticize and I should just accept the shit job that was performed. Evidently, no matter the quality, if this isn't my area of expertise, then I should have accepted it because I have no idea how hard it is to do the job correctly.
To this, I say 'What the fuck is your problem'? So, you've never had work done by someone else that was sub-par? And if you did, you just said "thats ok because I'm sure its a difficult job and I don't expect it to be done properly"? If thats the case (and it surely sounds like it) then you are truly a fucking moron and a shining example of whats wrong in the world today. Its my guess that you're one of the those that refuse to be accountable for your actions, that whenever you fuck up, its someones elses fault. Never taking responsibility, never being man enough to say "I fucked up"....just expecting others to be happy with what you do because 'you tried'.
I, live in the 'real world'. I expect of those that work for me, and also from myself, to do the best job possible, with no excuses or exceptions. I will not tolerate laziness or the attitude that 'its good enough'. I don't care if a customer spends $25 with us or $25,000, they are all entitled to the best possible service that we can deliver. There are parts of my (and my employees) job that are extremely difficult. If we make the wrong recommendation or sell the improper equipment, it could have devastating consequences for the customer, which in-turn comes back to us. Do you think if we fuck up we could get by with telling the customer 'Sorry...but you just don't have any idea how difficult this job is"? That is the most asinine fucking thing I have ever heard. We are being paid to do a job and perform a service to its fullest...not to do a half-ass job and expect the customer to just accept it.
I hold others to the same standards that I place on myself and my company. Why should I settle for anything less? If I did, then why would I be surprised to learn that my customers decided to go elsewhere? Fuck man, I wouldn't blame them. But...I guess you would.
Baby, you wouldn't be Efen is you settled for less. Like I said triple my salary, give me every Monday and Friday off - and you an count on me to do a perfect job.
That's insane!!! I hope you told that asshat off in fine Efen form!!!
Wow. I'm *blistered*! Good reply. Now, this:
1. I was drunk.
2. When I'm not drunk, I don't go to strangers' blogs and call them out.
3. I expect a hell of a lot of perfection from myself--whatever I'm doing.
4. I fucked up by calling you out. You were, as you said, simply voicing your displeasure with the job that was done. (Perhaps I took offense to the way in which you made the workers seem like dittering idiots, morons.
5. I work for the gas company. Often, we have to break out concrete to fix the gas leak. After all is safe, we have to backfill and put down some asphalt. The result is rarely aesthetically-pleasing. Though it is a temporary patch, I often wish that we--as a company--would take more pride in the finished product. Perhaps I reefed yesterday out of a sense of misplaced guilt. Who knows? Who cares, actually.
6. I'll keep the petty jealousies that surface as a result of yours and TGYDBHTM's torrid love affair to myself. :-P
7. How'd you get my picture? That wasn't supposed to be on the 'Net!
Obviously, he told me--"the asshat"--off. The whole friggin post was a result of my comment.
The Girl: Honey....even with those 'perks', you'd 'earn' every fuckin penny ;)
Kitch: "Efen' form is about the only way I know to respond ;)
Adamity: I appreciate you having the balls to post your comment. Most wouldn't.
No harm, no foul. BTW...My dad retired from the power company here after over 30 years. I have nothing but respect for those that have 'blue collar' jobs....however, 'blue or white', if they do their jobs half-ass, neither is going to ger a fucking pass from me.
As for as my 'torrid' affair w/ 'The Girl' goes.....If you only knew ;)
Get em, Honey! You know I agree 100%. I cannot stand lazy people. If you don't want to do it correctly the 1st time, then don't efen bother. Hope you have a great weekend!
this post is exactly why I love you! I'd have you back me, anytime!! ;)
Efen - love you, babe!
Uh, I guess I need to sign up for some sort of "text alerts" when shit like this goes down. You know how I hate to arrive late to a party!
I like you attitude. If only more people shared it.
Had Adamity not posted his comment I would have no idea what you were talking about. I thought some guy from the county that did the job called you up or something.
I thought I was the only person that gets drunk and comments on people's blogs! But then again, my name is Vinomom, so it comes w/ the territory.
Good post, good comment by Adamity as well.
Loni: Good idea...I can lie about what I actually know ;)
Nonya: You're right...just how much longer does it take to do a job correctly the 1st time?
TGG: (blushing) TY Honey :)
ETW: (blushing even more) Thanks so much sweetie :)
Elle: See what you miss when you spend all your free time w/ NGG?
Ron: I think most share our attitude, they just don't express it.
Vinomom: Thank you..
Happy Birthday (late, I know), but you don't advertise it. sheesh....
Peace, Efen.
We share similar beliefs. When I am at work, I bust my ass. I'm far from lazy. I don't like a shit-ass job to be done. My thinking is: If you're gonna do a job, do it right. If you have no capabilities to do said job to its highest standards, find something else to do to pay the bills.
I meant no overt offense and I appreciate your response to my comment.
Maybe I'll bump into you in Blogland again.
Peace to you, man.
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