First off, I want to wish 'Daddys Little Girl' a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Geez....seems like only yesterday she was born. Uh...not that she'll read this because she is blissfully unaware that 'Dad' has this blog thing ;)
Note to J-Fab.....the years FLY by so enjoy every moment when they're little...cuz when they get older they somehow develop a 'mouth' ;).........BUT, they do grow out of that stage..thankfully :)
Ok..here's my 'WTF?" This girl I know (who happens to be quite 'hot'....go figure ;) calls me Tuesday afternoon and asks if I have tickets for the Cardinals day game the next day. I say that I do and I'm going. She asks if she can go too and I tell her I do have an extra ticket and she'd be welcome (duh....) She's all excited and shit and tells me she can't wait. A couple of hours later she calls back and asks if I can pick her on my way to the game. Well....she does have really, really big boobs so 'of course' I say yes. We leave it as she's gonna call me the next morning and we'd set the time then. I'm meeting two other people at the game and since its a 1:15 start, I had already told them we'd meet about 12:30. Plenty of time to hit a bar or two on the way to the ballpark.
Wednesday morning rolls around and its now 10:30 and I haven't heard from her so I call.....right to fuckin voicemail...so I text her, saying we'd need to leave by noon. I head up to 'SV' for lunch because no way can I drink on an empty stomach. Well...I CAN but the aftermath can get pretty funny.......or ugly...depending on your outlook.
At 11:40 I get a text from her.."sorry.....just woke up (not surprised)...call you in a few minutes". I text my buddies tellin them it would probably be 12:45 before I got there. I finish lunch and its now Noon.....and nuthin....no call, no text. I give her 10 more minutes...still nuthin...'fuck this'...so off I go. It only takes me about 20 minutes to get downtown so I'm there at 12:30...as planned. I called my buddy along the way, tellin him I had an extra ticket if he knew anyone (he works in a big office downtown), to give it to them.
We all meet up, stop for a couple of beers, and walk to the stadium. It's now 1:10...."Ringggggggg.....Ringggggggg".....
Me: Hello?
Her: Okay....I'm ready!
Me: You know what time it is?
Her: A little after 1:00.
Me: Didn't I tell you we needed to leave by Noon?
Her: Are you THERE?....You're at the GAME?
Me: Did you fucking think and I was going sit around and wait...not knowing if you were going or not? Besides...you said you call 'in a few minutes'...and that was 1 1/2 hours ago.
Her: (Silence).........uh, then I guess you're not going to come and pick me up?
Me: Nope...not at all.
Her: Well, I thought we were going and cancelled other plans.
Me: Listen...I'm not going argue about this. I upheld my end, you overslept...not my fault, you said you'd call me back in a few minutes..you didn't..plus, I had people waiting for me. If you can't understand the concept of responsibility, again, not my fucking problem.....click......
She called back but I hit 'ignore'....fuck that shit.
Geez....you'd a thought we were sleeping together or sumthin (her showin me her boobs like a hundred times don't count)
I'm not asking if you think I was right or wrong...I know I was fucking right. Frankly, I'm too old to babysit or hand hold....if you're not mature enough or don't have a sense of responsibility...then I don't have any time to waste on your sorry ass. Besides.....she has a twin sister... ;)
Whaaa? Okay, now that was just rude. She grubs a ticket off of you and then expects you to sit around and wait until she feels ready to go?
Yes, you were right and hopefully she knows not to screw someone else like this again.
"No bitch, I am sitting home watching it on TV and pulling my pud in breathless anticipation of your phone call"
Just how big are her tits? .... that is a major mitigating factor!
Christine...I want to say 'roflmefenao @ pulling my pud etc etc"...that was funny!
Dish...FUCK....NOW you tell me you'd 'show the girls'...and the freakin season is almost over...geez...BUT..thank you..very sweet, thoughtful, and yes, responsible :) As for as her sister being more responsible..uh...they are twins ;)
razorbeck: Thanks for dropping by...and you are exacly correct...that is a major factor because they are
maybe she does deserve a 2nd chance, huh? ....only if she 'begs' ;)
Since you stated an exact time, she should have been ready AT.THAT.TIME and called to let you know. What a waste of big boobs!
You lost me after "Big Boobs".
"Besides, she has a twin sister" LMAO - Rolling on the floor - too funny. I love this one ! And, I would have been on time ;)
Geesh... by being the person asking the favor she automatically is responsible for meeting your schedule. Being late for things bugs the shit out of me and other people screwing with my schedule like that would truly tick me off. Having big boobs gives her a little slack, but not that much.
Girls NEED to hear this shit!
I hate when guys putt around it and just let it go, NO she needs to hear she fucked things up and there was no way in hell you were going to get her.
How could anyone think everything would be ok? yeah sure you made me late, let me leave the game and pick you up... UMMMMM no!
Cheers to you :)
And I a agree "What a waste of big boobs!"
Oh and I got sooo caught up about the skank I forgot to wish your little girl a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Loni: Well....I've never been one to hold much back...big boobs or not ;) And ty for the BD wish :)
Elle: You KNOW that I wasn't referring to you. Please 're-read'...I said "its not like we're sleeping together" Sheesh..
TGG: AND...we all know how valuable 'time with Efen' is ;) Thanks for the BD thoughts :)
Kitch: My thanks on the BD salute :) Yep..idiots..never a shortage of 'em!
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