Lets get a couple of things handled first:
My dear Elle...I am very sorry about your nephews friend. Its hard enough to get through life at that age without having to deal with something as tragic as that. Being forced to question your mortality at such a time in your life simply isn't right...or fair. My prayers and wishes go out to everyone who has been touched by this.
And....I truly feel terrible I forgot your birthday but I hope you had a great day...in spite of me forgetting ;)
To everyone else, you have my apology and believe me, I am suitably contrite.
Okay, on to the business at hand....Things have been, how can I put this eloquently.....oh, I know.....fucked.
As many of you know, my Dad has been going through all that chemo shit and until the past couple of weeks, hasn't been effected much by its side-effects. That was until the itching started. Its pretty much a constant a thing, itching from one part of his body to another. So, now on top of the fatigue from the chemo, he can't sleep more than a couple of hours, then the itching wakes him up, plus the blood cancer caused his arthritis to go into 'overdrive' and its hard for him to walk. I feel so bad for him, looking at him, knowing he's tiring rapidly of all of this, but never a complaint.
My Mother on the other hand, makes me want to scream "WTF is your problem, NOW?" She's been in semi-poor health for several years now and all during that time, Dad waited on her hand and foot.....even more that I thought he needed to but fuck, I'm not gonna tell my Dad what he should or shouldn't be doing.
Mother is and has been, 100% convinced that she has some sort of illness, not a simple one mind you, but one that is basically a death sentence. I have had her to every one of her fucking doctors and they have all told her basically the same thing (after running tests and tests and tests)....the reason she's tired and run down and losing weight is because she doesn't fucking eat! Her muscles ache because shes having to burn them as fuel because shes using up more calories than shes taking in....and the lack of any exercise just makes the problem worse. Actually, her Lung doctor told her point blank "If you don't start eating, you will die...and that won't be far off'
Did this have any fucking effect..oh yeah....for maybe 7-10 days. She won't take her 'psyc meds'
because of one lame fucking excuse or another, even her Dr. told her besides making her feel 'less anxious' it would increase her appetite...nope, those weren't good enough reasons, evidently. In short, she won't help herself but will moan and complain about how she feels. All this during a time that my Dad could really use the help.
Today, I bring Dad home after he got a transfusion. He's in a real good mood and we talk all way the back. We walk in the house, there's Mother, sitting on the couch with 'that look'. Theres also some lady (Joyce) there, a friend, whom I had never met. I ask Mother whats wrong? She's weak (duh?), and her lower back hurts when she bends over. She went to the Dr. last week so I ask her if he had called with the test results? No, but I'm probably going to have to be put in the hospital, she tells me. Okay, I am in no fucking mood for this, so I tell her 'Call him then, call me at work and let me know...I gotta go'. She then tells me 'Joyce' can take her to the hospital if she has to go.
Let me tell y'all something, No one, I mean no one (well, maybe my sister if she would deem it at all fucking necessary to come back for a week) would take either of my parents to the hospital except me, and my Mother knows that very fucking well...but I wasn't playing that fuckin game, so I said "That would be nice of her". Fuck that shit...I was (and am) pissed by the whole motherfuckin thing.
'Joyce' then decides its her unalienable right to stick her fucking nose in my fucking business......."Efen...I think your Mother should call the doctor now and you should wait to see what he says".
"Really, Joyce..thats what you think I should do?....You think the Dr. is going to drop everything and take her call or do you think I should just sit here for 5-6 hours waiting for him to call back?"
She gave me that "I have never seen such an uncompassionate son in my whole life' look...thats fine, I gave her my 'Shut the fuck up and mind your own fuckin business with your 1980's hairdo' look.
Dad sat there and as I left, he gave me his 'I don't blame you' look. Dad was always a cool guy ;)
The more I thought about it later, I decided Mother is correct, she does need to go in the hospital...and if they don't find anything wrong, then she should head over to the 'psyc ward' for a month or two. Besides that getting her hopefully better, Dad and I need a break.
Yeah, I know...I sound like a real prince of a guy. Ya know what, right now I don't give one flying fuck.
It is SO tough being the caregiver. You really need to be good to yourself right now. I know it doesn't help that your mom is needy and not helping with things. Just take a deep breath and keep on going. I've been in a VERY similar situation as you, so if you need to talk, feel free to email me. {{{Hugs}}}
First...you're forgiven. (Hell, you know you're always forgiven :) Second...thanks for the kind words for my nephew. He would SO fuckin' love you!
And third...sheeeeeeeesh. It's not a bad idea putting her in the hospital. They can give her IV nutrients and all that shit, fatten her up a little, and you and your dad can take that break! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this. Ya know, that medical marijuana might help your mom's appetite, make your dad forget about the itching (and the bitching), and it wouldn't hurt your day, either :)
Aaaand that's why I'm not a doctor :) Love you!!!
I'm with Elle...see if the doc can score you some kind bud. ;)
I will keep y'all in my prayers, with the many others I am praying for these days.
Just when I think I have Gigi all figured out I see a comment like that! hehehehe :)
I know I would be writing this exact post with the same tone if this were my parents.
I don't care how old you are if you don't want to help yourself....
Just hang in there. What else can you do?
My sincere condolences to both you and Elle. You are going through a Hell I know (sort of...different illnesses but both parents long-term sick and driving me crazy).
Mama needs to go to the hospital. I'm not being mean. If she's taken herself off her psych meds, she needs to be reregulated. I'm not going to ask what her meds are for, but certain psych problems cause the sufferer to make everyone else suffer any time something bad is going on with someone else because they must must must be at least getting equal attention (if not be the center of it).
If your Dad is in pretty good spirits, get her out of there for her own good (and his). If a doctor really thought she was in danger of dying soon because she wasn't eating enough, then he shouldn't have sent her home. He should have sent her into the hospital for some fluids at the very least.
I've been on psych meds for over a decade. They're no fun, but they keep that urge to rip the flesh off strangers with my bare hands at bay, and I still can enjoy imagining the heads of those who vex me exploding as if their heads were balloons and reality a stickpin. I'm sweet that way.
Sorry. I was unclear. We went through a long period where both parents were sick. Dad passed away five years ago. Somehow we keep getting Mom to the doctors in time to save her from the ravages of the Little Debbie's cakes. Each time, there's a period shortly after when I have to ask myself why did we save her to pick us into insanity.
Jeebus, Efen. They are your parents, you are an AMAZING son. I know you are frustrated, even a saint would be. But Elle is right. Maybe they do need to push IV nutrients if she won't eat. And I do think all of you would benefit from a good high right about now! ;)
You are doing a great job with your parents. I think your approach with your mother has hit that tough love point and there are times that's the only way to be. I hope your father gets some relief from the itching, that totally sucks.
I hope y'all know that this 'meltdown' didn't occur because of single, solitary incident...its been going on, in various shapes and sizes, for several years. Yesterday just kinda pushed me over the fucking edge.
ETW: You are right...maybe some deep breaths are what I need...as long as a joint (blunt, fattie, doobie, kick-stick, ju-ju etc) is attached to my lips ;) Thanks for your offer...very sweet and you never know :)
Elle: WTF??? Of course I'm forgiven...duh! ;) I'm sure I'd be a great influence on him, alright ;)
I'm taking your 'advice' to heart, honey :) Uh..Love you MORE ;)
GiGi: So very nice of you :) And...I think I can bypass the doc..ya see...I know people ;)
VinoMom: I really think we are related :) Thanks, dear.
BB: It really sounds like you have been there and you hit the proverbial nail on the head. 'Center of attention' is more like it. I certainly applaud you because I know how hard it can be. Thank you for your words and insight.
Dish: Awhile back I would think "geez...is this how a son should act and think?" Got over that 'guilt' thing and tried looking at it as practically as possible. Hmm...not sure that was such a good idea ;) I think maybe I will when I get home ;)
Ron: Thanks, buddy. Uh...is 'tough love' the same as being a prick? If so, I got that fuckin thing nailed ;)
aaaack! it's me...late as efen usual! Does the word "hypochondriac" ring true with Mother?? 'Cause she sounds just like my MIL - always on her deathbed, not eating, self -medicating - yep,that's my MIL! AAARGH!!! I hope you know what a kind son you are - your folks sure are lucky to have you....
I agree wtih you - you ARE a prince of a guy!!!! I know you wish your mom would appareciate all you are doing - and I'm sure in her way she does. It sounds like she is scared to death. It's got to be very scary to be that age, seeing your life partner sick, and not knowing what each new day will bring.
You are doing everything you can - you are an amazing son!!
Sorry I'm so late. I can understand your frustration. And your right, a stay might be just what she needs. I hope things get better for you honey and soon.
So sorry all that shit is happening, it makes it so much harder to deal with everything.
I will keep you guys in my prayers.
DEEP BREATHS! lol I needed them when I was with my dad because I was about to smack my Stepmom, my dad is dying and that dumb bitch wanted to cause drama because crap wasnt about "HER" grrrr.... but the deep breaths helped.
hang in there.
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