Sheesh ladies.....if ya'll want to wear some thing practical, no matter the weather......well, here ya go ;) See....they even come in fashionable taupe, cuz I know Elle is 'all-about fashion' ;)
If you ended up here I'm sure you fucked up typing the "url" you were looking for. If you're expecting any 'deep thoughts' or any kind of 'personal-altering' experience shit, geez, you really fucked up.
Oh....he doesn't call back Monday as he threatened....fuck...I was sooooooo ready ;)
This one really, really, fuckin pisses me off.
We (I) provide medical coverage for the employees. I only have 11 employees but the fuckin cost of this shit has gone through the motherfuckinroof. We have one of the 'top' plans available by what used to be called Blue Cross. The employee is responsible for 10% of the monthly cost. The annual cost of a 'Family Plan' is almost $10000.00 per employee. The employee pays $1000.00 of that, we pay $9000.00.
Every August/September I meet with our Insurance Rep and go over all of our insurance shit. Last Friday he tells me that to keep the same exact plan, our costs will increase by 36% motherfuckinpercent! Thats $3600 fuckin dollars per employee. Geezus...... thats over $36,000 motherfuckin dollars!!! So, he says he'll look at other 'alternative' plans and try to find something close to what we have now and hopefully at a lesser price.
He tells me everyone has to fill out some 'questionnaires' and have them faxed to his office. Fine by me. I put out a letter explaining whats going on, how I'll do everything possible to retain a very good medical plan, and what the associated costs are to the plan we currently have. I tell everyone to take these home, fill them out, and fax them back by today.
This morning I get a phone call from the wife of one of my service guys.
Wife: Efen, I got your letter about the Insurance and FRANKLY I'm concerned about it.
Me: Uh..ok, yeah, I'm "alittle" concerned myself.
Wife: You know, I have to take shots and Insurance doesn't cover it 100%.
Me: Well, I'm sorry about that but I try to offer the best plan possible while keeping down the costs for everyone.
Me: (getting 'slightly' pissed about her fuckin demanding tone) I'm doing what I can but I can't tailor a health plan based on one individual alone, I have to do whats best for the employees as a whole.
Wife: So, it sounds like you're going to reduce our coverage so you can save a few bucks.
Okay, normally I would go through the motherfuckin roof with shit like this.....and, I was "this" fuckin close. But, I know she has had health issues and maybe wasn't in the clearest mindset, so I thought I just let it slide.....until:
Wife: I doubt if you're family will be effected much by any changes.
Okay....well, I fuckin tried.......... but when you fuckin EVER mention my family in a sarcastic fuckin tone, the kid-gloves come right fucking off.
Me: Listen, 1st of all, I tried to explain to you what I am trying to accomplish. If that isn't good enough for you, not my damn problem. Do you know how many freakin companies make their employees pay 50%....or more??? Are you aware that the 'trend' now is that the employees ONLY are covered and that if they want their family covered they have to pick up that freakin option on their own....100 damn percent? If I wanted to save the company money, it would be a very easy thing to do because its MY DECISION and mine alone! Do you understand what I am telling you (So badly I just wanted to tell her to Go Fuck Herself!)?
Wife: I don't appreciate you speaking to me like that and I don't think my husband will either.
Me: (WTF???) I don't appreciate you calling here and telling me how to run my business or giving me that 'attitude' of yours either. And, you won't have to tell your husband about our conversation because as soon as I hang up on you, I'll tell him myself.
FuckMeRunning (hehe...stole that from J-Fab ;)......people, especially the fucking idiots, just don't get it. Oh yeah, I went right out to her husband and he could tell I was not to fuckin happy. He said its 'her medication', I said I was sorry about that but I wasn't going to take that shit, from anyone.
Hmmm.....could I just raise their portion to like 95% and get away with it?