Saturday morning, did my usual coffee and newspaper...inside though because of the temperature....and the freakin wind. Now, I know its not cold yet, 29 degrees Saturday morn, but fuck, last Saturday it was 74!
I sat there looking out the window....cussing every fuckin leaf that was on my yard. Oh, yeah...thats how I refer to them....."fuckin leaves". Every sentence I say when this topic comes up with any of my buddies, starts off with "Fuckin leaves......" As a matter of fact, they start theirs off the same way.
It's not like I don't try to stay on top of this shit...I've already done the fuckin things 3 times and it's extremely likely I'll have another 3-4 times before its all over with. I have a few trees, 7 of 'em....not as many as others, more than some..but most of them are over 80' fuckin high...and trees that large do produce a lot of fuckin leaves. I wouldn't mind it so if two of my lazy-ass fuckin no account neighbors would bother doing their own fuckin leaves...instead of lettin them sit there til they blow over into my yard. WTF?? Don't people have any sense of responsibility? Sheesh....can't even believe I asked that question....of course they fuckin don't.
So, I put my on my 'cold-weather shit' and go outside...geez...the fuckin wind was brutal. Didn't take all that long to get done, maybe 3 hours. I only 'bag' the front yard. The back, I just keep going over them, mulching, til they're gone....tempted the whole time to bag it all and then dump the shit in my neighbors drive.....but, they'd just fuckin blow back to mine anyhow.
Got that shit done and went to Best Buy. My Dad's remote quit working, well, it worked some, but half-ass. I told him I'd get him a 'Universal' remote that operated his shit. Found a pretty decent one for $20 (fuck...they had some that were $300!). Went by there, programmed it with his TV and his DVD player (couldn't get his VCR to work with it but I don't think he ever uses it anyhow). Works fine and now he doesn't have to get up and manually change stations or adjust volume. Then I dropped by "SV" for abit. Not much going on there, so I was home by 3:00.
Next weekend is the start of firearms Deer Season here. In the past, I fuckin lived for 'Opening Day'. The excitement and the anticipation that I felt back then is something I really can't put into words. Ask any hunter, he'll tell you.
However, the last couple of years I haven't gone. More to do with location of where I used to go than anything else.....its almost 4 hours away, well, the 'hassle factor' is also there. To me, anymore, I pretty much weigh everything on the 'hassle factor'. If I spend more time aggravated then basically, the hassle isn't fuckin worth it.
But....a friend of mine recently purchased 200 acres only about 30 minutes from my house...very wooded and pretty secluded. He called me a several weeks back and said I could hunt there, if I wanted to. I drove out there, looked around for a few hours, and then put up my portable tree stand. For those of you that are uninitiated to the world of deer hunting...a 'stand' is sumthin you climb up and sit in, when you just walk around hunting, thats called 'still' hunting. I prefer the former.
Anyhow, yesterday I thought I'd drive out there, just to walk around and look for 'signs' (No Elle, not the neon type ;) and also to make sure my 'stand' was in the right spot. Spent about 4 hours walking his property and, much to my surprise, turns out my 'stand' was in a pretty good spot, so no need to move it. When I'm in 'the woods' especially when by myself, I always take a backpack, filled with all my 'just-in-case' shit....flashlight, knife, small first-aid kit, water, some food..ya know, just-in-case I fall and break my fuckin leg at the bottom of a ravine or sumthin.
So, I find a comfortable looking log and decide to have lunch. It warmed up some and I was just sittin there, relaxing and watching the birds....when I heard something walking in the leaves towards my direction, not real loud but not super quiet either. I figured, unless it was another guy walking out here, it was either a deer or a couple of turkey. I reached in my backpack for my camera (never know when you'll come across boobs in the woods ;) and sat very still. Maybe 10 minutes goes by when I see what I've been 8 point buck. He's upwind so I know he can't 'scent' me and he's not acting likes he's spooked or anything. He's just walking along with his head down, scrounging for acorns, not a care in the world. I bring my camera up slowly. He just keeps meandering ever closer....until he's no more than 15-18 feet away, THEN, he just plops down...ready for a nap.
I took this picture of him just before he spotted me and took off. Nice looking deer..but I already have one bigger on the wall here at work.....besides, I saw 'signs' of a big one and hopefully that'll happen next weekend......That is, unless I decide that the 'hassle factor' has again, reared its ugly head ;)
OH NO - you wouldn't SHOOT that precious deer, would you?!?!?!
I hate fuckin leaves too - they fall around Christmas here - and it's not like they even turn colors before they do, they just fall off - and fill up my pool which means I have to clean it like 10 times a day for 2 months.
Noooooo (well, not that one..too little ;) know you live in the state that has the largest deer population in the world...over 4 million, don't ya? And over a 1/2 million hunters....just sayin ;)
29 degrees ??! Geez, louise...I'd be frozen! This FL girl does not do well in cold, that's for damn sure! And leaves too?? Damn, for once I'm glad I don't leave "up north" :) BTW - That deer is sooo cute, glad you left him alone!
Leaves - we live on a double lot that is just lousy with trees, one huge oak and tons of assorted smaller ones. - and this is after we had roughly 10 cut down. My husband feels your pain. We've bagged up more than 20 huge bags in just one outing. Front yard only.
And gals, don't feel too sorry for the deer. They are cute and all - until they're smashing up the front bumper of your car, and threatening to kill you in an auto accident. (Efen, can you tell I've lived in WV too long?)
I raked so many 'fucking leaves' this weekend too. We have big trees with lots of 'fucking leaves' and neighbors that let their 'fucking leaves' blow into our yard...
Wait. I think I am just re-typing your blog here. Sounds exactly the same. Do we live together?? So familiar. LOL!
The whole time I am raking the 'fucking leaves' I was thinking about how Frank promised all of us that he would take road trips to rake our leaves for us... hmmmmmmm.
I spent my entire Sunday raking fucking leaves, bagging them, the whole front yard. And of course, I have to have a house with about 12 trees. I don't touch the back until they are all bare.
As for the deer, if you can chase it down and kill it with a knife then you are entitled to eat it. Otherwise, not a fan of the hunting thing.
Awwww.... poor little deer. Wouldn't you rather take it food and slowly train it to be your friend and then you might be able to ride it around the forest and stuff. Huh? Wouldn't you? LOL...
Hi Efen,
As for the tree's cut them all the f down...
I'm glad you didn't hurt the deer, he looks sooo cute and it's proably Bambi's Daddy, Or some doe's daddy....No kill Bambi
gator girl: Well, its only going to get worse. My sister, who went from here to Chicago and now lives in Florida, doesn't do well in cold anymore either.
ETW: Geeez..20 bags in the front..uh, why am I complaining? ;)
My daughter hit 1 a few years back. Luckily, her car was low and the deer ended up going over the roof. Some damage but she was unhurt. I now have her driving an SUV.
J-Fab: Kids do chores??? When the fuck did this happen? ;) This time of year is especially dangerous with the deer.
YO Adrienne: Ahhh....I think I'm in love ;)
the girl: I realize that hunting does not appeal at everyone. Actually, I think deer stand a much better chance than, say, cows. And yes, I do use a knife with my about you? ;);)
Ron: Hmmmm...ya know, I never considered that as an 'option' ;)
Suzie: Nah.....I can't cut them. They're so nice to look at every year, 'cept for that 6 week period when all those fuckin leaves drop.
Hehe...'Bambi Daddy'.
Nice buck! I bet you don't get a glimpse of him next week though. :)
Our rifle season starts during the week of Thanksgiving. There hasn't been much deer sign around here lately. I killed a spike with my bow a few weeks ago, but other than that, the deer seem to have ran for cover already.
Um, yeah, J-Fab and I are totally getting our camo gear and our tree stands and camping shit together, and are ready to go out for our first "kill". Either that, or we're just gonna go to Friday's. We can't decide.
Bucky: Maybe not, but if I did, I wouldn't take him anyhow. If I see one that isn't bigger than I already have, I'm passing him up. I'd rather eat beef ;)
Elle: Don't forget your 'buck lure' (which is doe-in-heat urine btw ;)
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