In my years running this company, I have seen many, many things. I thought I had witnessed it all and really didn't believe that I could be surprised anymore.
That is until this morning.
My 'old' Parts Dept. guy had quit due to health issues. He gave me two months notice that this was going to occur so I had plenty of time to find someone else to fill the position.
Plus, that would also afford me to have 'the new guy' (No Elle...not that 'new guy' ;) spend time being trained by the 'old guy'.
I held several interviews and finally decided on a guy. This person had experience in our industry was very gung-ho.
He started on February 16th, worked 2 1/2 days when he found out that his Mother had a heart-attack. He was then gone the rest of the week. Sadly, he called me and said his Mother passed away that Sunday night. He was then off Monday and Tuesday of that week. I paid him in full for those two weeks. No big deal, a person should not be penalized when something like this happens.
He repeatedly told me how sorry he was that he missed all that time but that he would make it up '110%'.
I come in today, he isn't here. I asked and was told that he was here around 7:30 but evidently he left and no one knew where he was.
I turn on my computer and there's an e-mail from him...this is what he sent me:
"I have decided to resign my position in parts immediately. It is not the situation I thought it would be, and I am pursueing other options. I am sorry for the notice, but I thought it best. Thanks for the opportunity. I do not wish to be contacted. My decision is final."
WTF? He was here this morning and he couldn't have waited til I got here to tell me in person? Then he says in his e-mail that 'he doesn't wish to be contacted...that his decision is final'.
Of course, since he didn't want to be contacted I called the fuck. I ask him the what fuck was the deal?
He tells me he has 'alot of things going on'....that there are 'health issues' that he won't go into. I asked if he didn't think he at least owed me the courtesy of telling me in person? He said "It probably wasn't the most professional way to handle it"...DUH...ya fuckin think?
I then say 'Whatthefuckever' and hang up. Now...he's got me to thinking. I recall him saying that his father had passed away just a couple of years back and that his Mother lived alone. He told me they had been married for over 50 years.
So, I turn into 'Efen S. Holmes' and start doing a little digging. From what he told me, it seems pretty obvious that his Mother never re-married so both of them should still have the same last name. He told me she had been cremated. 1st, I search the local paper obits....nothing. Since I knew where the crematorium closest to where she lived, I check their notices.....nothing. I then expand it out to some others........again, nothing.
I could be wrong (doubtful) but I think now, after I pieced together some things that at the time seemed odd, that the whole story about his Mother was a lie. Also, when he declined Medical Insurance (we pay 90%), he said that he already had a policy that was paid up through 2009. Now who in the fuck pays their Medical Insurance a year ahead of time? I was puzzled by this but let it go. Red flags and alarms should have been going off in my head.
I really feel like he was just looking to get a job for a few weeks, get some money, then move on.
I hated the thought of running another ad so taking a chance I called a guy whom I had interviewed twice for this job....he was my second choice. I got ahold of him....he took another job...............fuckin yesterday
And so it goes...................
wow..what a piece of Shit! I think his lies would've been obvious if he had told you "I quit" in person - thus the email! Still - I know times are tough people,but DAMN!! Just not right.....
Sorry people suck so bad. You are a nice guy to have paid him that whole time. Hind sight truly is 20/20. Alarm signals should have been going off, but they weren't. Hope you fill the position soon!
In this economy, you'd think he'd be glad to have a job at all. But, in this situation, I would have to just say "good riddance to bad rubbish". Sounds like a psycho!
Wotta retard. Perhaps you should hire an HR executive to facilitate proper hiring/screening practices. You know, the "right shoe, right foot" effect.
I'll forward my salary expectations.
Oh, and I'll need 2 weeks off right after I start.
People are the same all over the world. You were very nice to the guy and the least he could do was tell you face to face. Heck even if I wanted to quit after you gave all that paid time I wouldn't have been able to do it until I felt I paid you back somehow.
TGG: I think you're right.
Trish: They did go off, but I ignored them. Sheesh...I'm normally smarter than that.
The Girl: I am 'cheered' :)
ETW: I think he was nuts. Fairly certain now that that whole 'mother' story was just that, a story. Yikes...glad he's gone.
Kitch: I just can't figure people out...actually I have quit trying.
Elle: My 'screening practices' certainly have room for improvement. Hehe..you 'getting off' for 2 weeks ;)
Ron: One would think that people would feel some sort of gratitude.
I'm glad I could help ya out ;)
I suppose two weeks pay isn't the worst that could have happened, had he actually worked and then continually taken off for this that and the other.
My conscience would never let me do something like that though.
Hope you find a replacement soon.
The title to your blog says it all... fuckin people.
Everyone wants something for nothing. Everyone. I am gonna have to hire someone to run the office for me while I am on maternity leave and I FUCKIN dread it with a passion. Hang in there... someone good will find you.
I was really kewl of you to pay bereavement for a new employee. I consider myself far too generous and there is no way I would even do that. If you haven't paid him for the time he worked, I'd deduct that shit and not give him his last check. You only have to pay him for the time he worked so not like he could do much about it. Fuckum. Oh and thanks for stopping by my blog. Mext time bring donuts.
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