Typically, my weekends are pretty uneventful, but this past weekend was different. It was the 25th Anniversary of some very good friends of ours (I went to High School with the guy) and we were invited to celebrate with them on Saturday night.
We were going to take a limo downtown so 'drinking and driving' would not be an issue. The plans changed to getting a hotel room and then taking taxis to various downtown 'hot spots'.
Normally when we go out for dinner......it's fairly early...like '6-ish'. I hate waiting for anything and getting a table is no exception. But...since this was a special occasion, our dinner reservations were for..................8:00 PM. Of course, this meant taking a nap Saturday afternoon ;) We got to the hotel about 6:30, a few drinks at the hotel bar then off to the restaurant about 7:45.
We had reservations at 'Mike Shannons Seafood and Steaks'. 'Shannons' is the top-rated place for steaks here...and its excellent. Pretty pricey...but the food is great. The dinner bill, with wine and drinks, came in around $400. Now to me, an average of $100 per is alot. But I gotta say, the steak I had, 12 ounce filet, was fucking great. As with most steak places, every fuckin thing is ala carte, which I don't care for, but wtf...this was a special occasion.
Left there about 10:00, grabbed a cab, and headed off to an area that sits right next to the Mississippi River, called 'LaCledes Landing'....right on the St. Louis Riverfront. The 'Landing' has more fuckin bars and nightspots than you can shake the 'proverbial stick' at. Everything is located in buildings that date back over a hundred years.
Stopped in a few places, had a drink or two at each, then made our way to 'The Big Bang'. It's a Dueling Piano Bar and the place was packed...fucking packed to the walls. Of course, the median age was probably 25, but we had a blast. I was amazed how well I could sing ....well, drinking for 5 hours may have had something to do with my perception of that ;) Found a spot for at the bar, luckily, and stayed until 2:00 AM (they are open until 3:00).
Another taxi back to the hotel, tried to get more to drink there but they had closed their bar (WTF??). So, we had to improvise. I had packed some 'refreshment' so we all went back to our room and drank some more. That was certainly smart on my part. Finally got to bed around 4:00....and woke up at 7:00...with my head feeling like there was someone inside, kicking to get out.
A 20 minute shower really didn't help all that much....and the 3 aspirins hadn't kicked in yet. We all met at the restaurant and did the 'Sunday Breakfast Buffet' thing. I was fuckin starvin. It wasn't all that great but I didn't care...coffee and food seemed to help.
Went to 'Valet' to pick up my vehicle and pay the Valet Charge. $23.....all I had was two $20's, which I gave her. Of course she had no fucking change so she had to call some 'manager' guy to get change. 15 fucking minutes I wait until he comes back. He hands her the money, she turns to me and counts out my change....$17....all in fucking ONES! As is typical 'Efen' fashion....a 'bitch session' normally ensues..but I was tired and my head still fucking hurt..so I just let it go...didn't say one damn thing. Now you know, I must have felt like shit if I let that go ;)
We got home around 11:00..............and that was it for me for the day. Went 'to couch' and stayed there. Watched TV and napped....pretty much a useless fucking day.
I did come to one conclusion.......I'm too old for this shit ;)
Oh hell no your not. You made it until 4:00 a.m. and got up at 7:00, I'm fucking impressed. You would definately fit in with my crowd. Your only as old as you behave my friend. PS. My birthday is in July, we Pub Crawl....you should come.
Sounds like you had a blast. But I'm with ya' on the "I'm too old for this" thing. I didn't even make it to midnight on New Year's Eve... Now that's a wally!!!
Congrads on your friends being married 25 years. That's amazing in this day and age.
I'm impressed you made it to four am too - I'm 27 and I still like to party but I don't see 4 am too often any more.
About my latest is 2 am and that's if I'm pacing myself! Sounds like it was a fun, once in a while treat!
As you know, St. Louis is 'home' to me. I love the landing area! Glad you had fun. And you can't be too old, because I rarely make it to 4. Actually, I never make it to 4!
Sounds like you had a blast! I pass out at 11. Boring in my old age. Back in the day I could have hung in with ya!
P.S. I missed you but I'm back!
I like to do those kinda nights every now & then...to see if I can "Hang" & normally - I can't! But, hey...I had fun trying!! :)
The girl: Hehe..mine's in July too ;)
Doubt I could keep up woth your crowd though :)
Lady Bug: I didn't make it til midnight either on New Years Eve ;)
It is sort of amazing :)
Vinomom: Normally if I see 4:00 AM...its cuz I have to get up and go to the bathroom ;)
ETW: I usually have as much chance to see 2:00 AM as I do 4:00 ;)
trish: I used to do the 'Landing' thing alot....no more tho. I find 'home in bed' more my thing ;)
J-Fab: Thats why I took a nap Saturday afternoon ;)
Missed you too! Was worried about ya. Talked to Laura today...so now I'm not worried :)
TGG: My 'every now and then' means it was years since I did it last ;)
You called me Laura! You're all "Serious Efen" and shit when you do that... ;)
Um...so when are you posting pics of the new bathroom?
Hehe....you know me soooooo well ;)
Ummm...I guess I could ask you if you received...uh...er....nm. ;)
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