Not much today......
Thankfully. Really just wanted to move that 'remodel' thing further down the list.
I am soooooooooooooo fuckin tired of the mess, mainly the dust from the drywall and the tile (and the sand and the cement). I know the contractors are doing the best they can but there is only so much they can possibly do to keep the mess to a minimum.
Surprisingly (to me) enough, they have not pissed me off............yet. They not only show up when they're supposed to, they actually show up early. WTF??? I am soooooooo not used to people who actually do what the fuck they either say they're going to or what they're being paid to do.
On top of that...these guys are really fuckin good. Besides their ability, they also have offered some very creative ideas. I'm alittle scared at this point....too fucking good to be true.
Took my Dad to the Ortho Dr. yesterday. In the last 3-4 months he's been having a lot of pain in his shoulders and one of his knees. He has bone spurs in his shoulders and arthritis in his knee. His shoulders had gotten to a point he couldn't raise them high enough to drive without hurting like a bitch. I knew they had to hurt bad because never in my whole life have I've seen him give in to ANY kind of pain. The Dr. had given him some anti-imflammatory meds to try for 2 weeks. Didn't work. So I took him in for a cortisone shot..he got 3. One in each shoulder, one in his knee.
He called me this morning and said his knee felt great and his shoulders were alot better. In fact, he was gonna drive my Mother to her doctors appt. and then they were going to stop somewhere for breakfast. I'm extremely happy for him for he has never had to depend on anyone for anything. Getting his independence back, I am sure, is a huge lift for him. I just hope it lasts for awhile.
I have an apology to make....to Christine (http://realmendontwatchamericanidol.blogspot.com/)
I have no idea why she wasn't listed on my site as a blog I follow. She is absolutely hilarious..kind of reminds me of a female 'efen' ;) So, if y'all haven't been there...go! Its a 'must-read' :)
I have a dilemma........this Saturday, my wife leaves for a 6 day cruise. Thats right.....I have an extended 'hall pass'. Of course I was invited to go along (with her sister and her family) but honestly, I have no desire to 'cruise'. I know, I know...everyone I know who has been tells me what a great time.....yada yada yada....forget it. I don't want any part of it. Anyhow...my 'dilemma' is how to fill my new-found free time.
Hmm.....wish I could come up with sumthin.
I am soooo glad that the shots helped your dad. I know it's a huge relief to you all.
I loved the cruise I took a few years ago even if it was with my first mistake of a husband. You eat all the time! There is food 24-7!
I love Christine.... you are sooo right--- she is hysterical!
Glad your dad is doing better. And congrads on finding decent contractors. We've been trying to get our house siding now for 2 years with no luck!!!
Thanks for the tip on "female efen's" blog. She's hilarious!! And I've added her to my list.
P.S. Stay out of trouble next week.
Oh, Efen 6 whole days !!!! Wow, I could give you quite a list of things to do, depending on how naughty you want to be !!!! I read Christine - she's awesome. And I'm with J-Fab - I'm going to Vegas in 8 Days !!! whoo-hoo.
Great news that the shots helped! I don't know what you should do for your free time, but I'm also one who has never been on a cruise and has no desire to do so.
Love J-Fab's idea! Or you could do what I do when Wally is gone... Lay around nekkid and drunk. Maybe you should go somewhere between those 2 extremes. ;)
Glad the shots took the end of for your dad!
Ohhh...cortisone shots when you're really hurting are like a fuckin' dream. Hopefully they'll last a while! Make sure he watches his blood sugar though...those shots can cause it to spike, especially if he's prone to that anyway. (hehe @ Florence F'n Nightingale)
6 days? You ain't doin' nothing but supervising the workers and watching the efen Western Channel ;)
J-Fab: It is a relief...my thanks. Fuck that...I have food at my house 24/7 too ;) She is funny!
Vegas...hmmm...isn't The Girl going soon? ;);)
LadyBug: Thank you! Yeah..I got lucky...but, his wife does work for mine so...... ;) Staying out of trouble means 'not getting caught'...right? ;)
The Girl: Okay sweetie...'list' away ;)
ETW: Really....I just don't get the whole 'cruise' thing either...and thanks so much.
Trish: Uh...I should come to your house and lay around, drunk and nekkid....hmmm...not sure Wally would approve ;) TY too!
Elle: WTF...no skin???? ;)
Funny...his Dr told him about the elevated blood sugar thing..ty honey :)
Uh...wanna fuckin bet? Uh...what time do you land again???
So glad to hear your dad is doing well!! :) Um, come down to TX - is what I vote for!!! :)
I'll be in the wild wild west next week...poor, awesome cowboys ;)
You got boots?
TGG: Thank you :) If I came to Texas then I'd have to allow time to see all my relatives....and I don't have time for all that ;)
Elle: So...you're going to participate in a 'rodeo'? ;)
Yes...I have boots...I'll wear them if you wear your CFM's...deal, honey? ;)
Hey thanks for the plug!
I think the help is showing up early because the economy is so bad they want to keep the gig and probably don't have another waiting in the wings.
Either that or they think you have a cute butt.
Christine: While I certainly do, I prefer to think that IS NOT the reason ;)
so,mr. engineer said to & I quote "drink beer, scratch, watch some boob tube/tv...enjoy" or "spend the wknd. at a bar,that's what I'd do" See, he secretly enjoys your blog too! :)
TGG: Wow...'Mr Engineer' and I would get along great! Please tell him I appreciate his suggestions :)
Vinomom: Hmmm...why didn't I think of that ;) I think we'd get along great too! :)
Momma's with Gator Girl - get your butt down here to Houston and come see us!
I am really happy for your dad - great news!!!
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