Pic 1: Looking at where the 'Make-up Vanity' is going to be. Wall on right is where the cabinets, counters and sinks are going.

Pic 2: View of closet after wall has been taken down to enlarge. Pipes on left is where shower was.

Pic 3: Tub was where the equipment is. Shower will now be from approx. electrical outlet on left, over to 3 feet out from wall on right, then back to where ladder is. 'New' closet will now extend out to the end of the wall on right.
Pretty fucking interesting...right?
God, I cannot imagine living in a construction zone. Can't wait to see it when it is finished!
Momma loves it!
That made my head spin. We are you showering in the meantime?
THe mess would make me a nervous wreck!!!! I can't wait to see the finished product.
Trish: Yeah....fuckin drywall dust everywhere..and they keep the bathroom door shut and the heat off when they're working.
Kitch: I hope I can say the same in another 3-4 weeks ;)
The Girl: Shower?? WTF...I quit..much simpler ;) Nooo...using the guest bath.
J-Fab: Surprisingly enough...it hasn't bothered too much...yet ;)
Contractors gutted and re-did my small bath in a week, but they fiddled with the plumbing and that took some time (turned the toilet to another wall), so yours should be finished before you know it!
ETW: I sure fuckin hope so. It's gonna take the 'tile and marble' guys a week (so they say), then they'll set the cabinets,counters and sinks. That is if the cabinets every freakin arrive.
Oh...your comment reminded me..I have to go pick out a new toilet..uh..I 'said' I would do that last week ;)
Progressing nicely..can't wait to see the new MB!! :) um, is the Makeup Vanity area for you???! ;)
TGG: Sheesh...what kind of question is that? Can't you tell I need ample time to get my hair all 'sexed up' and how else could I do that w/o the proper setup? ;)
Hehe :)
Ok yeah, I'm ready for the "after" now. Oh, and....you had me at "makeup vanity"
Looking good so far and so much faster than the projects I work on. LOL
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