Today the demolishing of the bathroom commences. Hmmmm.......I sure as fuck hope this thing turns out the way my minds-eye says it's supposed to.
The biggest pain-in-the-ass about this is that the MBR closet (which is located off the bath) is also going to be partially torn down so it can be enlarged. So, all the shit thats packed in there has to be 're-located'....to other spaces that are already full of clothes and shoes (not mine). Ok....lets see...where do you put 56 pair of shoes (not counting my 4 pair)?? I said 'Fuck..they're in see-thru plastic boxes (wtf??), why do we even need to move them? They're not going to get drywall dust on them cuz as I said, they're in those fucking boxes. EVIDENTLY.....the boxes WILL get all the dust on them so we sure as fuck can't have that. ....me making umpteen fucking trips carrying shoes that I know (I think I know) haven't been worn in years downstairs to hook-up with all the other fuckin pairs of shoes that are already in the basement...and those I do know haven't been worn since Carter was president.
I take it back....the real pain-in-the-ass is that now we're sharing the 'guest' bath (I find that term funny cuz I prefer not to have 'guests )...which in reality is my daughters bathroom, that is when she can find the time to visit 'Dad' ;)
I hate 'sharing'...............seriously, especially a bathroom. Now, if one would just get in and get the fuck out, no problem. But for some reason, while I can get get ready in 20 minutes and be done, it takes my wife a fucking minimum of 2 hours...WTF?? Before Demolition (BD)....this wasn't a problem because we could both be in there, her on her side, me on mine. If she took 4 hours...not my fucking problem. But now....this is going to be serious. I operate on a 'strict' schedule. I'm in the bathroom at a specific time and out the door to work at a specific time. I do not handle 'change' very well and I am not one fucking bit flexible regarding these things.....I guess thats part of my overall 'charm' ;)
So, tomorrow will be the 1st experience with the 'sharing' deal. I offered a very reasonable solution last night. Instead of her getting in the bathroom at 5:00 AM, I suggested maybe 4:00 AM would suit my needs better. Hmmm......guess my use of the "F-word" has a way of rubbing off on others.
I'll post some pics of how this 'project' is progressing as time goes on.
Looking forward to the progress pcitures.
And I'm with you, Efen! I HATE sharing a bathroom - it's just not right!
Damn, Efen haven't I taught you the value of shoes yet, Jesus at least she keeps them in a bin..mine are thrown all over. See now, if we shared a bathroom, you'd get to see me brush my teeth naked everyday......But since you hate sharing..
I refuse to share a bathroom with Wally. He uses the 'guest' everyday. The master bath is mine. I also have lots of shoes but I take better care of mine then The Girl does. Woman, be nicer to your shoes! ;)
Yep,be sure to keep track of the BD & AD pics...we wanna see! I HATE sharing a bathroom even though I do - with my 2 little people & the hubby...*sigh* 1 day,I will have my own space again...sheesh....
ohmygosh!!!! I feel sorry for you. Remodelling can be such a HASSLE!
Well, if you guys can get thru this without seperating - you can get thru anything.
ohmygosh!!!! I feel sorry for you. Remodelling can be such a HASSLE!
Well, if you guys can get thru this without seperating - you can get thru anything.
WTF is wrong with taking 2 hours to get ready? Is that not the norm? I could probably clock it at about 1:40 if I didn't shave my legs, but nobody wants THAT. When I stayed with Z and Frankie, he used to call it my "milk bath with rose petal" time. How the fuck he knew about that is anybody's guess.
I can be completely ready - showered, dressed, hair and make up done in 45 minutes. Luckily, the Evil Twin and I are on different schedules - I can be totally flexible with mine (I don't have to be ANYWHERE, usually), while he obviously has to be at work at certain time. Remodeling is a bitch, but you'll be so relieved when it's finished!
Dude, you are so screwed. Best of luck anyway! Maybe I'm wrong in my assumption.
Kitch: It isn't right! Should be a law or sumthin ;)
The Girl: Shoes and 'value' don't really seem to go hand in hand ;)
NOW...you brushing naked...thats VALUE!! :)
Trich: A perfect set-up :)
TGG: Your 'own' space is a key to your happiness ;) Will post some pics.
LadyBug: You mean separating like her using the bathroom down the street at the gas station?? Well..I'm all for that ;)
Elle: Maybe cuz they were going through 25 gallons of milk a week and all the neighbors roses were disappearing...huh..maybe?
ETW: WOW...1st '2-handers' and now you're sayin you can get ready in 45 minutes?? I sooooooooooo love you :)
Ron..Nope...correct fuckin assumption ;)
What can I say? I value efficiency!
F'n fingers broke?
(did you get my text? WTF???!!!?!)
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