Now here's another fuckin genuis. What a fuckin shocker she's an ex-Hooter's employee. Guess she's now a part of Waffle House Nation. Just in case you can't read the small print, Hooters had a contest on who could sell the most beer. She thought the prize was a Toyota.....but, it was a 'toy yoda' she's fuckin suing. If she wasn't, now that would be weird.
Yeah, this guy I'm sure is a real credit to society. I'm sure his 5 kids appreciate that he has money for 'gun ink', but not for child support. He is sooooooooooooooooo freakin cool!
Here's one from a fuckin guy I hate....yes, I hate this "no-talent, I'm really gay, I deserve to have my ass kicked", douchebag. Just look at the extremely weird look on his face.....If I saw that fucker peering out of the window with that fuckin face..."BOOM"
Here's a classic.....on national fuckin TV no less. I'm sure her family is so proud.

NOTE: This guy below isn't an 'idiot'...I just liked the picture ;)
From the "Does He Really Appreciate His View" Dept....(ETW may really like this little guy ;)
He Pingping, born with primordial dwarfism, holds the Guinness World Record for the smallest man at 2 feet, 5.37 inches, and Svetlana Pankratova holds the Guinness World Record for the longest leg of any woman at 4 feet 4 inches.
Long legs = hotness
Toy Yoda = hilariousness
Ok. His name is really Pingping?
I am tall, but I don't think I have over 4 ft of leg only. Nope, I come up as only 2.5+ of leg (inseam).
I heart little people. And I'm a li'l on the buzz side right now, thanks to the box o' wine. I'm classy like that.
She gives new meaning to the term "Legs up to her ass."
Those are all hilarious!
Love starting my day with your blog - always makes me giggle!
His name is Pingping??? I saw the picture before, but I thought his name was Peeping, which sort of made a lot of sense to me at the time. LOL
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