I really think this will work. It's always good to have a 'back-up' plan, ya know ') Maybe you and J-Fab can practice together :)
If you ended up here I'm sure you fucked up typing the "url" you were looking for. If you're expecting any 'deep thoughts' or any kind of 'personal-altering' experience shit, geez, you really fucked up.
Holy shit! I totally got J-Fab that as a wedding present!
The Evil Twin and I have an anniversary coming up. Isn't the 15 year one "The Pole Anniversary"?
Geez, ETW....I thought the 'pole anniversary' was pretty much every year ;)
Elle.....uh...did you 're-gift'
Shhhh ELLE! Don't tell my secrets!
You can buy a pole dancing kit? Why doesn't my wife know about this?!
Wait a minute...I bet she does know about this and has conveniently forgot to tell me about it, damn it!
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