The problem is, there are too many things that don't even register with me as 'interesting', especially to others. Then, when I see one on anothers site, its like 'Fuck me....why didn't I think of that???
Only so many things grab my attention. Morons are one, things that happen that piss me off are another, and well, frankly...boobs, of all shapes and sizes. Other than those three (which I'm sure you've seen a reoccurring theme), thats about it.
Generally, though unintentionally, I manage to get all three of these in my same post topic. Sometimes, there's one example that captures all three, such as the below:

My question....does she really fuckin believe that? Actually, I think she does....or.... her crackhead boyfriend has just pawned her prized collection of 'Elvis Plates' and this is her way of making a point.
Here's another 'If he was dating my daughter I'd be on Death Row' type. Seriously....what fuckin planet is this fuckin idiot from? Maybe 'Planet Fuckin Stupid'?? Dunno, guess its my age but I just don't fucking get it. Does he really think this looks good....that it makes him look cool? Now, I'm sorta guessin here but does he realize when he's knocking over a gas station or makin a 'meth buy' from an 'undercover' that this 'look' may not be so good when it comes to someone making an ID on him? I swear, I'd like to sit down with the fuckwad and just ask him "Why"? Don't get me wrong, I really don't give a fuck as to 'why', I just want to hear the guaranteed moronic fuckin answer he'd give.
Guys are not alone in the way of 'self-expression'. Look at the below, closely. Now, what would be your reaction when 'little Suzie' came bouncing down the stairs, in her swim suit, to greet her grandparents (or any other member of your family, work place, church, etc)? Again, I would just like to hear her fuckin answer as to why she is promoting 'double fellatio' on her own body? I'm guessin 'classy' wouldn't be her answer and that's only because she hadn't thought of it. But, who knows, maybe she would have a valid reason, like "It helps me get dates".

I think it's possible that I attract idiots, like a moth to a fuckin flame. Example: I'm sittin at 'SV' the other day and there was some ball game on TV. I look around for the remote, can't find it. So I say, rather loudly, to the girl workin the bar "I need some VOLUME". This guy (who I know) on the other end of the bar, gets up and walks over to me, reaches in his pocket, pulls out a pill bottle and pours a handful. "Here Efen....take a few". I look at him and say "What the fuck are those?" He says "I got what you want...VALIUM".....I tell him I said 'volume'...he says "They ARE Valium...see the little 'v' in the middle...these are the real thing". Gotta admit, I was laughing my ass off....sadly, he never did get it. Just gave me an 'oh well' look and went back to his barstool.
Maybe one day I'll find some topics that are interesting................until then, you're stuck with these.
I'm sorry did you say something? I was staring at some chicks ass that had a tattoo of something on it.
I need about a dozen f'n volumes right about now. (And no, I'm not "back". I've been thumbing along on this f'n Blackberry all week and its about to fall off. The thumb, not the Blackberry. Geezus, I'm bitchy.)
I love that tattoo guy. I have that pic saved and it cracks me up every time I see it!
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