(Kaaaaaaaaaay.... pretend I'm Elle....and, I may have paraphrased some ;)
"Aack! Hand lotion! Get me some hand lotion!" I've been working my ever-so petite fingers to the proverbial bone (shut up, Efen). As you may recall, my MIT was here from out west somewhere (I forget where exactly because I don't 'do west'). So, that kept me extremely busy because entertaining was part of my duties as well. She was very nice and all, shapely and attractive too. One night we had maybe 8 Grey Goose shots and she started getting all 'Oh Laura...you're so hot...I love the way your ample breasts strain against that silk top..uh...EFEN!!! Stop it...now!!! (Sorry...difficult to write as anyone 'cept myself;)
Ok....where were we? Oh yeah....so I've been very, very busy. I had an audit and I am very pleased to say I passed that with flying colors.
Tomorrow I have a meeting with my immediate boss as well as "The" senior vice president of operations. He's flying in from Atlanta and as I told y'all before, he's the #3 guy in the company, reporting only to the COO (Plus...he's very HOT).
So tomorrow will be filled with 'Oh Laura...you're doing such a fantabulous job, I don't think we could even exist without you'....you get the picture, one superlative after another :) I'm sure at some point he's going to offer me the new 'Head Honcho' job, the one I've been so patiently waiting for. But....along with that super-duper title comes the very real aspect that it will involve moving (oops....did I say too much?) Of course I will be all 'Thats no problem...I'll do whatever you need me to'. *Sigh*.....I guess thats a bridge to cross for another time.
I have already decided what to wear when I meet with the VP. Now, that in itself was no easy task. 14 different wardrobe changes, 4 different ways of wearing my hair, different make-up, different CFM shoes....I'm going for that 'business hot' look....but theres a very fine line between that and 'business slut', so I need to err on the 'side of grandma' ;)
Wish me luck y'all and I promise, I'll be back posting all of my own stuff very soon (Cuz we all know Efen is going to tire of this and say "Fuck it....not my responsibility"....he's such a baby. I'll have to send him some more pictures or something)
Too funny! I love it. Well done Efen, especially the part about them making out. Good luck to Elle, I know she will be fabulous!
Although you did a good job, Efen. I FEEL REALLY JIPPED !!! But good luck to my favorite sweetheart anyway. Any chances are girl is moving closer to me?
Efen - nice job! LOL at the "hand lotion" :) I know our gal Elle is gonna do awesome with the Veep...it's so nice of you to help her out by posting on her behalf & shit... ;)
LMAO! I thought the whole story was going to turn into some office promotion porn scene but I was happy and disappointed at the same time.
Good Luck Elle!
On and Efen I think you messed up big time! Everyone is going to be asking you to be their substitute writer :) haha
Trich: That was my favorite part...surprised? ;)
The Girl: "Although"...wtf?? ;)'Jipped'..in what manner may I ask? Uh...I wouldn't bet on that..unless its 80 degrees there most of the time...and has a beach ;)
TGG: Hehe..thanks. Yeah...I'm a fuckin prince ;)
Loni: Damn..I knew I should written it the way I wanted to...been waaaay more exciting ;)
Well... she sorta begged...and I'm a sucker for girls begging ;)
This is simply excellent. I loved it!!! Now, she's got you in her back pocket. LOL.
OMG EFEN!!! That's pretty damn awesome of you!
See, I knew it - you ARE a big ole cuddly teddy bear afterall!
Do I need to come there and chase you around the desk now?
My special thanks to Efen for filling in and keeping y'all from putting out an Amber Alert. Uh, yeah, things happened "pretty much" the way he said. Hopefully by the end of the week I will be able to resume posting duties. If not, at least I can count on my secretary/henchman/fashion muse to take up the slack. Thanks, honey!
I miss my Elle.
Too funny!!! But you can't move. You just had 14K gold bathroom floors poured....
Just tell Mr. Nosey that it's a proven fact that heated floors cut down on energy cost and that in a few years they will pay for themselves.
Visualizing Efen as a fashion muse....heeheheh ;)
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