I'm serious on that 'firing thing'. Fucking people.....do your GD job and quit making excuses..or even worse, just standing there and giving me that 'You must be speaking Chinese because I have no idea what you're sayin' look....FUCK!
And.....if you haven't heard, the 'job market' is pretty tough at the moment so do you really want to go down THAT fucking road?
Plus...a fucking customer called me this morning complaining that I hadn't called him back regarding helping him with the layout of the new equipment he bought from us. He then tried to be 'funny' by saying "You must be real busy"....to which I replied "No....I'm not busy at all...but until you PAY for what you bought (25 days Past Due in the amount of $31K), I can't help you. Then he has the fucking balls to say 'Thats not very good Customer Service'....AARGH!!! I won't even go into my reply....I'm sure you can guess......check should be 'hand delivered' today.
Here's a "WTF?" I hear on the radio today that the number 1 'search' on Google in the past 10 days is 'When is Valentine's Day?'. Is this like a new thing or something??
Here's another: "An Arizona man who has waged a 10-year campaign to stop a flood of illegal immigrants from crossing his property is being sued by 16 Mexican nationals who accuse him of conspiring to violate their civil rights when he stopped them at gunpoint on his ranch on the U.S.-Mexico border. Roger Barnett, 64, began rounding up illegal immigrants in 1998 and turning them over to the U.S. Border Patrol, he said, after they destroyed his property, killed his calves and broke into his home. His Cross Rail Ranch near Douglas, Ariz., is known by federal and county law enforcement authorities as "the avenue of choice" for immigrants seeking to enter the United States illegally". Gimme a fucking break............
Thats all I got...for now. Hopefully my fuckin mood improves today......at some point.
Awww, baby - I hope your mood improves to. Clogged ears are the worst. Just lock your office door and don't open it until quitting time.
I think that poor man on the border should be give a free pass to shoot. If you not here legally and on private property, you get what you deserve.
Hugs and Kisses for a better day :)
Try chewing gum to clear your ears of the blocked feeling. Sorry about the shitty day - hope it gets better! It IS Friday night, you know and a long weekend for most. Yay!
aww honey - I hope your ears feel better (I hate that feelin'!)...Yep, that man on the border is doin' what a lot of us think about doin'! RESPECT! ;) Have a great wknd..
Hope your feeling better by now. Umm.. the guy on the ranch, his problem is the illegals got off the property to complain. He needs some signs that say "Shoot first ask questions later."
The Girl: Mood better...for now. Ears better...for now. Agree w/ the 'free pass' ;) TY for the 'H&K' :)
Trish: I think a 'sharpshooter' medal would be a perfect fit ;)
O'Dasor: I'm with you..put them to work!
ETW: Tried the gum...no help but they did get better on their own :)
No long weekend here :(
TGG: TY :) I respect him greatly!
Ron: Thats an excellent point!!
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