I must admit, I was worried and even though Dad won't say, I know he was as well. I could just tell by his demeanor afterwards that he felt like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders.
Now he has an appointment to see wtf the deal is with his kidneys. So another test is forthcoming. But.............I feel a whole lot better for now.
Weekend was so-so. Spent 1/2 day Saturday fuckin with my computer at home. For some reason, it decides it's 'tired' and just shuts off....then starts back up again. So, I go through all the shit I can think of, read 50 articles on-line regarding others with similar problems, and end up absolutely no fucking further ahead than I was before I started. At least my battery back-up keeps it from going completely down.
Why are people so fucking nosey? Are their lives so fucking boring that they have thrust themselves into the business of others?
Case in point; As most of you know, I go to a place I call 'SV' for lunch every freakin day (including most weekends). There is a group of guys that I have been coming in there for as long as I have. Most of them I like and we share a lot of laughs together. One guy, I used to think was OK. Now I can barely stand him. He's the nosiest fucker I have ever met. Always wanting to know how much a person makes, how much their homes cost, anything to do with one's personal business.
Anyhow, I'm in the process of putting things together to have our master bath totally remodeled. Gutted and completely done over. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned this to a couple of my buddies there and 'Nosey Fat Guy' overhears. One of the things he heard me say was 'heated floor'. You woulda thought I said 'solid gold faucets'. "HEATED FLOOR?....(laughing) ...why in the world would you want that?...I never heard of that...Uh...how much does that cost...a couple of thousand?" I just kinda shrugged and hoped he'd let it go.
Since then, thats all I've heard from the Fat Fuck. "I told my wife about your heated floor... she wondered how much you're spending on the bathroom if you're putting in a heated floor..(giggling)"
This finally pissed me off. So I said....."1st off, its none of your fuckin business....nor your wife's. Why are you so concerned about what I do.....or anyone else for that matter? Do you think I give a fuck about what you do? Why don't you just shut the fuck up and mind your own fuckin business for a change?"
The bar got real quiet cuz those that know me knew I wasn't fuckin around....and that I was genuinely pissed. I got up, threw my money on the bar and left. Motherfucker.....he was lucky it wasn't 10 years ago or I would dropped his fat ass right off that bar stool.
Ok....I didn't say this to him because I don't have to justify or account to anyone what the fuck I choose to spend money on. But...since I like y'all :) I will offer this...our bath is fairly large and the floor is tile. I live where it gets cold and believe me, that fuckin tile floor can be like standing on ice at times. So, when I talked to my contractor (a friend) about it, even he thought it was a good idea. He got me a price, including installation and the programmable thermostat....$800.00 Now I didn't think this was bad, especially in the 'grand scheme' of things.
And.....if ya think thats a waste of money.........keep in mind, I 'put my foot down' on the heated towel bars ;)

First...So glad your dad's colonoscopy turned out A-ok! I know how worried ya'll must've been! (Fingers crossed for the kidney stuff too!!)...Second, so glad you let us Nosey Fuckers in on the inside info...You know who loves ya,huh??! :) Now, I need to go call mr.Engineer about heated floors (even though it ain't that cold here in TX!!) & maybe a heated rack too (um, towel rack that is!) hehehe....Nice pic btw...beee-u-tiful!
I know alot of people with heated floors in their bathrooms. I even know a guy with radiant heat in his driveway. If you can afford the little luxuries in life than go for it.
Oh, P.S. Glad all is well with the Daddy so far :)
TGG: TY very much...I was. Hehe...'heated rack' ;) Hey ..you said it :) The 'pic' is just something I found....not even close to that point yet :)
The Girl: WOW...a heated fucking driveway!!!!! I sooooooooooo have a 'man-crush' on that guy ;) And TY too :)
Sooo happy about your dad! what a relief! Let us know bout he kidney stuff - we'll all be saying prayers!
I was at a place in Tennessee called Blackberry Farm a few years ago, and they had heated floors in the bathroom - it was so fine! You put in whatever you want and just ignore that Fat Loser. Is that pic of your bathroom - its FABULOUS!!!
...Hi Efen. Glad to hear about your Dad..That's really great news...Crossing my fingers for the other test..
As for the heated floor , i think it's a great idea, My B-room is soo freaking cold.I hate takin a shower in the morning and getting out of the hot shower onto a cold ass floor..Good luck!!!
I'm glad things are going well for your dad. Continued good thoughts headed his way for more good news! If I had been smart about it, I would have put in heated floors when I had our bathroom gutted and redone. I had them lay down porcelain tile... It can get nippy, but I do have an inset heater on the wall I use to heat it up a bit in there (it's a small bathroom).
Kitch: No....I found that pic on-line....BUT..it should resemble it when done (if they ever start ;)
And...I certainly appreciate your kind words.
Suzie: TY for your thoughts :) And yes...cold floors do suck ;)
Trich: Thank you so much. Yeah...its like I'm spending his fuckin money.
ETW: Thank you for your 'good' thoughts :)
I guess I'm not the only one who hates cold-ass feet :)
OMG Are you sure you don't live here in Cali? I swear The Russian and your Fat Nosey Bar Loser are the same guy????? LOL He does the same shit! I know how you feel! :)
So Happy to hear the good news about your Dad, I went through a lot this past summer with my Dad fighting Cancer. I really pray that your Dad's other appointments are positive! I will keep him in my thoughts.
And last but not least.......
Should I bring my shower shoes or are my piggies fine all bare and free? LOL BEAUTIFUL!!!
I think you should rent your bathroom out to people haha make some extra money on the side? haha
Yeah I have a hell of a crush on him to.
Loni: I appreciate your concern and thoughts!
Uh...bare feet is fine ;)
The Girl: Okay...now you made me jealous ;)
Glad tests are going well for your dad. And heated flooring is totally the way to go with tile, I mean it's like standing on ice sometimes :)
P.S. A heated driveway?! How freaken awesome is that.
um... nosey people suck. in general, think the dude is jealous. he wants your heat... um... heated floors I mean. I WANT YOUR HEAT... heated floors I mean.
So glad the colonoscopy went well... sucks when you have to have something go in the out... but at least it was all clean and happy in there!!
happy day, friend!
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