As I posted earlier, My Dad has not been feeling good, on a couple of levels. The 1st level; His shoulders had been hurting, especially at night, which would keep him up from about 3:00 AM on. Finally, after much persistence, I got him to go to his Doctor. 'Bursitis' is what he was told....and the Dr. gave him some meds for the pain...thats it...wtf? After a week I ask him how his shoulders feel. "The same....I took a couple of those pills, didn't help any". Then I got him to go to an Ortho Dr. This guy took all kinds of x-rays and determined it was not 'bursitis' but bone spurs in both shoulders. Gave him some meds (not pain meds) and told him to try them for 2 weeks....if they didn't help, they'd go the Cortisone shot route. They did help some in 1 shoulder, but not in the other. So it appears the 'shot' is forthcoming.
The 2nd level is a bigger deal. Got him to go to a 'gastro' doctor who was very thorough with his tests. The Dr. called him Friday night with the test results. Neither of my parents hear very well.....but neither share my opinion on that. So, when my Dad calls me to tell me he has talked to the Dr., naturally I ask what he said.
Dad: Well, it looks like something with my kidneys
Me: 'Something?" What does that mean?
Dad: They aren't working like they should
Me: What did he say was the problem?
Dad: Well...he told me but I really didn't understand what he was saying.
Me: (Knowing full well my Dad couldn't hear what the Dr. said..AARRGH!) So...whats next?
Dad: He said (What?? Okay...Yes I'm going to tell him -thats my Mother in the background, talking to my Dad while hes trying to talk to me, which does piss him off ;)
Dad: He said I'm too old for a transplant
Me: WHAT??? (Where the fuck did that come from???) He said you need one but can't get one????
Dad: No, he didn't say that. Said they weren't too bad but if it was someone 30-40 years younger, they'd do it because it would eventually get bad enough.
Me: (Uh...you couldn't have put things in order before you threw out the 'transplant' thing?) Ok..so whats next?
Dad: I have to call my Primary Dr. and have my records faxed to him. He'd wants them right away so I'm going to call Monday morning and have them faxed. Then I'll (we will) have a meeting with him.
My Mother calls me yesterday. Tells me that Dad called and was told he'd have to drive there and sign a release so they could fax them. On top of that, she tells me he's not feeling good. I wasn't happy about that process but I understood.
My Mother calls me again later. Dad went there and signed the release and told them that his Dr. wanted these fairly quickly. They tell him, keep in mind this is yesterday, that they are really busy and probably won't get them faxed over until THURSDAY!
As you may imagine, this didn't go over real well with me............not one fuckin bit. I get the office number from my Mother and call.
An airhead girl answers and I tell her who I am and why I am calling...........(speaking through clenched fucking teeth)
Me: Whats the problem w/ getting them faxed today?
AH: Well...we are super busy
Me: ('Super'..wtf...you 15?) I understand (I didn't) but really, how long does it take to get that done?
AH: Sir......we're doing the best we can.
Me: You know, I don't really find that comment very encouraging. Tell you what, let me talk to someone who can actually do their job. This is about my Father and I would imagine if it was YOUR Father you would see that it gets done.....today (now I am getting beyond pissed)!
AH: Uh....kaaay....we'll fax them today but it may be after office hours.
Me: Thats fine...can I have your name so that I know who to call and thank IF they don't get faxed?
AH: (not getting it at all) Oh.....I'm Vickie (In that really annoying perky fucking sounding voice).
Me: Kaaay, Vickie. And I changed my mind....IF the records aren't faxed then I'm not going to call.........I'm coming up there and just so you are aware, I have no problem whatsoever of bringing someones lack of competence to the forefront......and hopefully your office is packed at that time.
AHV: (silence).........I'll do it right now.
Me: Good idea.......thank you.
My Mother called me today and told me the records did arrive .
Geezus..................fuckin people and their 'I could give a fuck' attitudes. What if I didn't have the sort of 'personality' that it takes to make sure shit gets done? Who the fuck looks out for older people? -Sigh-
If any of you have any doubt that I would have gone there and 'made a fucking scene'.....then y'all really don't get why I go by 'Efen' ;)
I can see the scene in my head and it is a thing of beauty. I am of a like mind. When it comes to my parental units I am not above extortion or bribery to get things done. Good job, Efen. And it only takes 30 seconds to prepare a fax for fuck's sake!
Way to get it done Efen!!..Thank god you called! I really hope your Dad is gonna be alright.
I know Trisha 30 seconds, unbelieveable this Bobblehead Vicki is, maybe she wasn't sure how to work the fuckin fax machine, lol...UGh...chic's like that piss me off!!!
WTF?? You know this is what seriously pisses me off when people are so ugly and so damn "busy." Yea, I bet Vicki worked through lunch and stayed late.....
You are so awesome - I'll remember this the next time I encounter a moron!!!
Remind me to ask you when I need something done. Good for you Efen...You Dad is lucky to have such a short fused f'er to get the job done :)
Nice work,Efen! Your parents are lucky to have such a good son! ;) Hope Pops feels better soon!
Oh hell yes...LOL...that summer you spent at mafia training camp really paid off ;)
Good for you... Have you been taking lessons from the bitchy me?
Trich: Ya know, I already had 'the scene' played out in my head too ;)
Suzie: LOL @ Bobblehead Vickie :)
Kitch: I love the term 'ugly' in regards to peoples actions...don't hear it much here, but all my family in Texas say it :)
The Girl: Ask anytime ;) Uh..'short fuse'....you don't say that to a guy ;);)
TGG: Thank you very much....me too!
Elle: LOLOL @ 'summer you spent at mafia training camp '
ETW: Hmm...I thought I gave those lessons? ;)
Oooppsss.... I meant long thick huge fuse :)
Much, much better ;)
Hope you dad feels better soon. Next time I feel I'm getting the run around I'll call you for advice :)
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