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Friday, February 20, 2009
MORE Motivational Pictures
This is pretty much the rest of the one's I received (except for a couple that I thought some may find 'objectionable' ;) Enjoy......
Objectionable.......Never. Those were too f'ing funny. I know I should be insulted by the Blashemy YMCA one made me spit coffee out my nose I laughed to hard :)
I cracked up over the MySpace/Date one. There's another MySpace one of some girl trying to look hot, taking a picture of herself in the bathroom and there's a huge turd in the toilet behind her.
OMG to f'n funny..I acutally (and so does "the girl" ) know a guy with a Mullet..and they call him "Mullet"..... Thanks for the laughs Efen..need that today!!! lol
I love love love these demotivational pictures. We had one made of my BF's best friend and it's hanging in our basement. If you ever feel the need to go to: bigfatlabs.com
I'm usually grumpy and pissed about something which my language reflects in my posts.
I have no tolerance for stupidity, those that refuse to be accountable for whatever dumbfuck things they did, and those that think the world owes them just because they simply exist.
My passions: Baseball, most any book by Stephen Hunter, my job (most of the time) and............boobs ;)
BTW...if anyone has anything they'd like to e-mail me, here ya go: Cardsfan53@hotmail.com
Objectionable.......Never. Those were too f'ing funny. I know I should be insulted by the Blashemy YMCA one made me spit coffee out my nose I laughed to hard :)
I thought Gwen Stefani taught the whole world to spell banana?
I cracked up over the MySpace/Date one. There's another MySpace one of some girl trying to look hot, taking a picture of herself in the bathroom and there's a huge turd in the toilet behind her.
OMG!! Those were great! Keep 'em coming!! :)
Love them, YMCA Comedy!
Love these things, but now I'm sad that I'm not in college. Heck I was in college and I never saw stuff like that....
OMG to f'n funny..I acutally (and so does "the girl" ) know a guy with a Mullet..and they call him "Mullet".....
Thanks for the laughs Efen..need that today!!! lol
OMG, Sue - I forgot all about him - LMAO
I love love love these demotivational pictures. We had one made of my BF's best friend and it's hanging in our basement. If you ever feel the need to go to: bigfatlabs.com
Friggin hilarious - those are good ones too.
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