'Bout 3 miles from my house on a 4-lane state highway, I look up to my left and see him sitting there. I was fucked.......and I knew it. I go this way every day instead of the interstate because its far less crowded and 'normally' speed is not an issue.
The fucked thing is that this road has 3 different speed limits within a mile. 45, 55, and 65. I was on the '45' stretch. I'm not making excuses...I woulda been speeding even if I was on the '55' stretch. Fuck, I speed all the damn time....those 30 MPH speed limits....too me they don't exist. Who the fuck drives 30 fuckin mph anyhow? If you're gonna drive that slow might as well fuckin walk.
Anyhow, I know he's going to be coming out after me, so (besides hittin the brakes), I 'slyly' put on my seatbelt (I know, I know...I don't need any lectures ;) because I didn't want an additional ticket for that. I then move over a lane (signaled, of course;) so it would be easier for the both of us when he turned his lights on. Sure enough, he pulls out after me and hits his lights. Now, I know enough to pull over right afuckin way when this occurs (not my 1st rodeo) BUT...we still have 2 foot of fuckin snow that has been plowed to the shoulder...where the fuck was I supposed to pull over to? I sure wasn't going to stop right in the middle of the fucking road! Up ahead is a big-ass church so I figure I'll drive to that entrance and pull in. Guess this isn't quick enough because now he turns on his fuckin siren. Geezus mf'er...I'm tryin, I'm tryin.....only another 200' to go til the entrance. Lights and siren still fuckin going on. I'm getting this uneasy feeling that this cop is going to start blasting away any fuckin time now...and I can now see there are two of them in there. FUCK!!!
I get to the entrance and pull down into the lot some and stop, while making this big production of taking off my seatbelt. He stops too....only he's still maybe 30' behind me. WTF??? Is he wanting me to back-up? I know not to get out. He's just sitting there. Fuck me....I ain't no fuckin mind reader. If you want me to back up, get on your fuckin speaker and tell me. He doesn't, he just sits there. So, fuck it, with my vehicle still running, I light up a cigarette and turn my radio up.
Finally, maybe 3 minutes have passed, he gets out and walks up. But...he doesn't come directly up to my window. He stops by the left, rear passenger door so I have to turn in my seat to see him...and he's still partially blocked by the door frame. Sheesh...this is getting a little spooky. I mean I aint wearin a cap sideways, I do have 20's but they don't have spinners and the tires aren't those low-profile ones, plus it's 6:40 AM, not 2:30 AM......so wtf?
Figuring he's waiting for me to speak, I do:
Me: Yessir, Officer?
Cop: Good morning...you know why I pulled you over?
Me: Sure....I was speeding. No doubt about it
Cop: Do you know how fast you were going?
Me: Honestly....I have no idea at all
Cop: Well, I got you at 61 in a 45.
Me: Sounds about right.
Cop: I'll need your license and Proof of Insurance
Me: Ok..my POI is in my glovebox...I'll need to lean over and open it (much better to let them know of your intentions;)
Cop: You have any weapons in there?
Me: (Yeah...I'm gonna announce I have a loaded 9mm Glock in my glovebox) Uh...nope..just a flashlight.
Cop: No problem...go ahead.
Now he's still standing behind me and there's no fuckin way he can see if there's anything in my glovebox other than what I said. Still.....I opened it slowly and got out the POI.
I hand it to him and he goes back to his car for maybe 10 minutes. My cell starts ringing but no fuckin way am I gonna answer. I don't want to give out a 'nonchalant' vibe cuz I know at least one of them is watching me...so I just hit the 'silent' button.
Finally he walks up, this time directly to my open window and says 'Efen' (What happened to that 'Mr. Efen' protocol?)....I knocked it down from 61 to 55....this way you won't have to go to court. Just call the number after 7 days and they'll tell you how much to send in'. "Cool...I appreciate it and thank you".
I drive off, not happy I got a ticket but thankful the guy wasn't a total prick.
Oh....went through radar AGAIN just before I got to work.....35 Speed Limit...I was goin 40..no problem ;)
That sucks! I hate getting pulled over. The 3 minutes you sat there initially they were running your license plate to make sure the vehicle wasn't stolen. I know these things, unfortunately.
I figured they were doin that...but from a distance of 30'? Guess I looked 'iffy' ;)
Why didn't you try one of those "Hello, officer", over the shoulder eyelash batting things?
Works for me and J-Fab.
I'm glad you won't have to go to court, but paying that fine sux! At least he was a decent sort.
What a weirdo cop!
You had me on the edge of my seat! I was ready for the gun battle ending with you on the run, writing to us from a tropical island. LOL I loved the radio part too funny.
Hey Efen, at least things went smoothly. Seven years ago I was on a first time date with a guy who was pulled over for speeding.
Little did I know he had a DWI he hadn't taken care of and the officer promplty hauled him off the the slammer.
And then proceeded to lecture me on choosing my friends more carefully!!!! How is that for a first date.
Glad things went smoothly. Cops give me the creeps even if I'm not doing anything wrong.
Glad the cop wasn't being a prick. If it was me I'm sure I would be the next "Don't tase me bro!" on youtube
Elle: Uh....thought about it but he didn't look 'that way' ;) Geez...chicks always get outta shit :)
ETW: Court sucks....and yes, I know that for a fact ;)
Loni: I'm afraid a gun battle would ended for badly.....for me (unless they'd fall for that 'gun' trick w/ my thumb and forefinger ;)
The Girl: 'Normally' I'm pretty judicious where I use my 'Efen rants' ;)
Lady Bug: LOLOL....I know it wasn't funny at the time, but that is hilarious...especially the 'lecture part' ;)
Ron: I would sooooooooooooo fuckin hate to be 'tased'.
Solow: Uh....I didn't want to admit it.....but I did do 'that thing' Elle suggested ;)
Glad he wasn't an ass about it! The last time I got pulled over (60 in a 45) - I got off with a warning - Mr. Engineer says "were you showing boobage??" Nice... ;)
I like to drive fast - don't have time for slo-pokes... Then I see a cop and panic. I'm gettin too old to do those hell-mr-policeman-how-are-you?? things to get out of tix...
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