Left Thursday morning on the coldest day of the year, Zero fuckin degrees. No hunting was planned on this day, it was a day for travel. Took 6 hours to get there and my new GPS came in very handy.....money well spent ;) Especially when driving those backroads of Arkansas.
About an hour from my destination I figured I'd better stop and eat, so I found a little place in the middle of fuckin nowhere, called 'Ralphs'. Hmmm.....I'm guessin 'Ralph' has since moved on because the guy behind the counter had a handwritten name tag on that said "PTAH" and he acted like he owned the place. The 1st thing I noticed when I walked in was it was COLD..not 'a little chilly' but downright fuckin freezin. I know it was 12 degrees outside but it didn't feel that much warmer in this place. I started towards a table and "PTAH" motioned that I had to go to the 'window' to place my order. Okay...no big deal....so I step up to the 'window' by the kitchen. This girl comes up and she's wearin a huge fuckin coat and has on a stocking cap. Our 'encounter' goes like this:
SCGirl: Hep ya?
Me: Do you have a menu?
SCGirl: Its on the sign above
Me: Yeah, I see that but theres so many letters missing I can't tell what you have
SCGirl: Whaddaya wantin?
Me: (Knowing this was going all to hell) Uh...I'll just take an egg sandwich with a side of sausage (those letters were still intact)
SCGirl: Sumpin to drink?
Me: Yeah...some hot coffee would be good
SCGirl: Uh...then I'd have to make it
Me: (WTF...this is a fuckin place to eat and isn't that your fuckin job?) Uh..ok....nevermind
SCGirl: Hava seat....I'll bring it to ya
I figured I'd use the bathroom so I walked towards the handwritten sign (on a piece of cardboard) that said 'John'. Yes, that's singular. In front of the 'John' were some slot machines and it appeared that 2 of Arkansas' finest examples of cliches were doin their best to get rich. Above them hung another handwritten sign, this one in orange cardboard, that read " No Smokin...you can thank your 'GOVONOR' for that new law". If my camera hadn't been packed in my bag I would have taken a picture and posted it here. No fuckin lie...thats exactly what it said.
I finish up in the 'John' (careful not to touch anything that wasn't me) and head towards a table...that is a table that doesn't have half-empty glasses, stacks of newspapers, or other assorted crap on them. I find one, by a window, and the fuckin wind was coming through it like I was outdoors. Fuck it...I'll wait, eat and then get the fuck out. Out it does come..on a cheap-ass, thin paper plate (ya know...those that come in a 500 pack for $2) and a plastic fuckin fork that looks like its more of one of those teeny seafood forks than a regular size one. What the fuck??? Surprisingly, the egg sandwich was good and the 'side of sausage' had 2 slices the size of small pancakes...and those were pretty damn good too. I gobble all that down (cuz I'm fuckin freezin to death) and go up to "PTAH" to pay. "$2.50" he says. Fuck...bargains...I love 'em ;)
Head down the road and see a gas station and hoped like hell they had coffee. Pull in and start to get out when I hear yelling. I look over and see two guys, both 'bout 30, telling each other how they was 'gonna fuck you up'. Hmmm....they both looked they could be 'packin' so I figured I just watch a bit instead of hopping out and getting caught in the crossfire of two inbred idiots. I listened and watched and learned that one of the 'combatants' name was 'T-Bob' and the other's was.............'See-Saw'. You cannot make this shit up. Both of them looked liked they weighed maybe 150 pounds....together! Both had those fucked up lookin mullet hairdo's. Turns out, 'See-Saw' was accusing 'T-Bob' of stealing evidently one of his most prized possessions....his 'Stanley Ratchet Wrench'...and they were both ready to fight about it in the middle of a gas station parking lot in freezing fucking weather....that is until 'See-Saw's' wife/girlfriend/sister got out of their truck..all what looked like to be every bit of 275 pounds of her. This was 'Donna'...and 'Donna' was pissed. I guess when 'Donna' is pissed, 'See-Saw' don't fuck with her.....at all. She yelled at both of them 'Stupid assholes' seemed to be her favorite phrase, then turned and directed her wrath solely on poor fuckin 'See-Saw'. "Get your fuckin skinny-ass back in the truck..NOW. Did you fuckin hear me??? I said NOW". 'See-Saw' wasn't as fucking dumb as I had thought, for he did a 180 and got right in the truck. 'T-Bob' wasn't sayin much either and when 'Donna' told him to get his ass back in the truck and 'git', he did as well. Gotta admit, I was impressed with Donna's ability to handle a situation :) So, I got out, got my coffee and headed to the 'Duck Cabin'. I get there, pull up and what do I see?.......................(Continued in 'Part 2' ;)
LOL... How far in the backwoods of Arkansas were you? Sounds like if you would have gone much further you would have been accused of witchcraft because of that GPS device.
DANG Efen, I'm on the edge of my seat here - don't leave me hanin!!!
You didn't happen to hear banjo music in the background, didja?
P.S. I read your message today on my blog. What are you now.... the blog police???? Note taken tho. :)
A cliffhanger, huh? Well, hop to it! Enquiring minds want to know!
OMG I am having flashbacks to my college days living in OKLAHOMA!!!
Small town more than Oklahoma itself. Can't wait to read the rest.
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