Well, as I pull into this place, totally enclosed by a 7' high cedar fence, I am in pretty much in shock. The 'cabin' must be 4000 square feet..maybe bigger. Out front sits 3 'duck-boats' on trailers and 3 4-wheelers, also on trailers.
I go to the door and am greeted by the owner, 'John'. Now, I don't know this guy from Adam and my buddy, who has set this up, isn't here yet. Feeling a little awkward I apologize to him for showing up early. "Thats nonsense...I'll help ya bring in your stuff. Its 1st come 1st serve so you pick any room or bed ya want".
We get all my shit unloaded and 'John' tells me make myself at home...."walk around, take a tour". I do, and this fuckin place is unbelievable. More fuckin bedrooms than I could count. This place sleeps.........................28! Has a kitchen with double ovens, 3 refrigerators, a freezer, a stand-alone icemaker, big screen TV with satellite and a liquor shelf that would put most bars to shame. I am in fucking 'hunter heaven' :) Plus, it has a 'mud room' thats probably 25'x15' with every kind of imagineable hunting gear known to man.........in multiples. Outside was a deck that overlooked the river. When I say deck, I mean a structure that had to be 50' long and 40' wide. Afuckingamazing! I was getting a 'man crush' on this guy ;)
After a hour or so, most everyone had showed up. We threw on, maybe 20 pounds, of ribeyes on the grill (this guy has 4 of them)...and 2 of them have trailer hitches on them. We eat dinner and decide to play some poker. It wasn't the nickel-dime shit I had been told, but a real, true-to-life poker game.

This gal fancied herself the female version of 'Amarillo Slim'...'cept she sucked, which is normally a good thing when your trying to win money but when she lost she started that "you're a lucky motherfucker, fuck this, fuck you, etc etc etc". Her boyfriend kept trying to get her to shut the fuck up, but she was having none of that. Finally, I said 'fuck it' and went on to bed, not only because I was 'mildly' irritated but it was 11:00 PM and we we're gettin up at 4:00 AM.
Got up at 4:00 and it was a brisk 16 degrees. Ate breakfast, put on my 125# of clothes and off we went. Turns out we had to get in john-boats and travel upstream for an hour. Lemme tell you, if you think 16 degrees is cold, try it sittin in the front of a fuckin boat with water spraying all over you. At one point I thought my coat had snagged on something because I couldn't lift my arm. Nope...my sleeve was frozen to the fuckin side of the boat. By the time we got to 'the spot', my facemask was solid ice. Boy.....I'm having fun now!
We unload all our shit from the boat and its still pitch black out. Actually, I was enjoying myself. I guess it was the 'anticipation' thing. About 6:30 you could finally see well enough to shoot.....and shoot we did. Fuckin ducks were everywhere and just when you thought it was slowing down, another flock would come haulin ass through. We finally called it a day around 10:30 and everyone pretty much had their legal limit of ducks.
We repeated this scenario for the next couple of days, only varying the places we'd hunt. The guys I met were the nicest people you'd ever come across. They didn't want me driving my truck cuz 'it would get dirty', so they'd tell me to take one of the pick-ups (keys were in it). One place in particular we were hunting required standing in water up to your knees. So they made sure I wore a pair of their neoprene insulated waders...just shit like that. Whatever they had, was yours.
I've been hunting for years and this trip has to be right there at the top of my favorites.
When I left the owner said "Mark your calendar, we'll do it again next year". Lets see, January 14th falls on a Thursday again next year :)
Damn... I'm not really a hunter type, but I think I would be game for an experience like that. Glad you had a good time. ummmm... did you score with the hooker girlfriend? LOL
Wow, first commenter...I feel like I'm stalking you. Don't you hate it when bitches ruin your trip (or part of it) I fucking hate it when someone brings a boyfriend or a lover up to Girls Weekend. It's so breaking the rules, she should have known better.
Anyway, that place sounds amazing. Take me there for a weekend and I'll give you all the boob pics you want ;)
Damn Ron snuck in before me. See if I didn't talk so much
Ron; Yep....comfort will do it for you all the time...and no, I didn't ;)
The Girl; Uh...yes, she should have known better...AND...I think that'll cost you more than just boob pics ;)
I'm so happy for you - sounds like a great trip for Efen! You certainly deserved it!
Wow! Sounds like a FABU trip! well, except the Hooker with the Camo heels...what a way to (almost!) ruin a man trip! Glad you had fun though!! :)
LOL...Efen had a Bromance!
And those shoes, no matter how hookerish (and we all know that makes shoes way better), are fug.
But I'm glad YOU had fun! Next time, The Girl and I will go too. I will lounge around and drink, and you can look at her boobs. (Hey! She SAID!)
See? All your investments for the "free" trip were totally worth it! I called it! :-)
See it worked out after all.
(Well other than the girl)
Dang!!! I could have worn my Construction pumps and fit in with her. LOL
Elle: Are you out of your mind !!!! Well, really I guess I could walk around topless for the good of the cause.
Kitch: Not sure if I deserved it...but it was welcome :)
TGG: At least she didn't stay the night and never showed up again.
Elle: Uh...You have to 'contribute' more than that ;)
ETW: Yes...you called it. I should of never doubted that I would have fun :)
Loni: Hmmmmm...'Construction Pumps'....sounds pretty hot to me ;)
The Girl: NOW you're getting with the program ;););)
If I walk around topless and Elle walks around bottomless we're covered right ? What man could ask for anymore.
The Girl: You and I share a mind ;)
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