Wanting to look my best, I went to 'Glamour Shots' (Ya know, that place where they make not-so-good looking people into movie stars). Met with 'Vanessa', she was my own 'Personal Photographer'. She gave me the price (gulp) but hey, gotta look your best.
I know, I probably spent money for nothing, but fuck....these people are 'experts' in making others look good.
After 2 1/2 hours of 'make-up' they finally started in on shooting pics. "Turn this way, turn that way, throw your head back, give me that alluring look, pout your lips, etc etc etc "
I dunno about y'all, but I'm pretty fucking happy with the results :)

Damn you're HOT! ;) Well worth the money...now if Only I could've been a fly on that wall.....heheehe
Efen... I had no idea! How yummy you are!!!!
Efen, you are gorgeous! I didn't know that glamour shots still existed, ha,ha!
TGG: (blushing) awww....you're too sweet. Yeah...I said 'I aint fuckin do that' a few times ;)
J-Fab: I'm all yours, sweetie ;)
Trisha: TY :) Yeah...I had to drive all the fuckin way to Springfield, MO to find one...and my hair got all windblown and shit on the way back ;)
Kitch: LOL...that is nicest thing you could have said :)
OMG, I'm pissing my self laughing!
that was sooooo funny...
oh and love the picture..although i did have a diffent look in my head and you ruined it...
lol (just kiddin, love ya!!)
Great , simply Great!!
Holy crap. If anything happens to the Evil Twin... I'm all yours (two handed blow jobs, remember?). ;-)
OMG They totally forgot the dramatic shoulder pads and orange makeup! But I think you look much better without it. I think this is probably the best Glamour Shot photo I have seen. Most flattering at least.
Suzie: Maybe your image was more like Walter Brennan (uh..you even know who that is? ;)
ETW: LOL...another 'WHOA'..A '2-hander'....Just in case, my bags are packed ;)
Elle: Yes you did ;) And...I don't understand??????
Loni: Yeah...tried those too...but they kinda ruined the 'rugged' look that I was goin for ;)
You Efen stud.....I'll dream about your hottness every night.
The Girl: I dreamt about you today ;)
Efen: I won't asked what you dreamed about because most likely I already know XXOO
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